UCLA: Lecture on ‘Toxic Masculinity.’ 10 Smelly People Show Up – IOTW Report

UCLA: Lecture on ‘Toxic Masculinity.’ 10 Smelly People Show Up

DANGEROUS: The patriarchy is trembling in fear.

A talk hosted by the UCLA Intergroup Relations Program on Tuesday drew a less than enthusiastic crowd. The event was deemed as an invitation for students to discuss “toxic masculinity” on campus:

“In lieu of recent events (presidential ‘locker room’ talk and UCLA fraternities in-house alcohol ban), we would like to invite the UCLA community to dialogue about how toxic masculinity manifests itself on our campus. While we hope to discuss Greeklife, we also want to touch upon the silence surrounding toxic masculinity, emotional repression, locker room talk, and broader social norms. We plan on having a safe, productive, and honest dialogue and we hope you can join us!” the invitation read.

According to the Facebook event page, the talk was also a “fragrance-free” zone:

“THIS IS A FRAGRANCE-FREE EVENT. For the health and safety of all participants, please refrain from wearing products that contain fragrances when attending IGR events. Such products include: perfumes, hair products, deodorants, detergents,”

Now there’s a new one.  MORE

11 Comments on UCLA: Lecture on ‘Toxic Masculinity.’ 10 Smelly People Show Up

  1. In a related story, a student walkout at the University of Memphis to demand stricter gun laws after the Parkland shootings was attended by upwards of 6 students, exactly seven if you are a stickler for such details

  2. “I play music with a couple of liberals and they always talk about women in a derogatory way. (One of them is a professor.)”

    My most lefty friend is like that. Can’t see his own lack of congruence between his virtual posturing and his unguarded conversation. Give him time and you’ll hear antisemitism, misogyny, gay bashing, etc. Give him a stage and he’s a defender of all.

    He’s easy to corner if he starts up in public because I’ve known him for 35 years. I am a bit amazed I have to remind him of his own words and positions he’s espoused over the years. I think he’s frustrated my memory is so long. lol

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