UCLA murder-suicide gunman had planned 3rd killing – IOTW Report

UCLA murder-suicide gunman had planned 3rd killing

Reuters: A former University of California, Los Angeles, student shot dead a woman at her home in Minnesota before he drove almost 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to the school and killed a professor but failed to find a third intended victim, police said on Thursday.

Mainak Sarkar, 38, had intended to kill a second professor in addition to shooting engineering professor William Klug, 39, at a small office on the campus, police said. He shot himself dead after the killing, police said. The shootings prompted a two-hour long lockdown on Wednesday.  MORE


10 Comments on UCLA murder-suicide gunman had planned 3rd killing

  1. He should have shot himself BEFORE he killed the other two … that would have been an amazing feat of prowess … something worth remembering.

    As it is, he’s just another fucking whack job.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They scrubbed “Islam” from his profile and replaced it with “Hindu”
    …if more negative news comes out, they’ll change it to “Catholic”.

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