UCLA Psychiatrists Cheer Self-Immolation in Leaked Audio – IOTW Report

UCLA Psychiatrists Cheer Self-Immolation in Leaked Audio

WFB– Med school talk glorified self-harm, violated CDC guidance, experts say.

UCLA medical school’s psychiatry department hosted a talk earlier this month that glorified self-immolation as a form of “revolutionary suicide,” raising concerns from prominent doctors and deepening a public relations crisis that has embroiled the elite medical school.

The talk, “Depathologizing Resistance,” was delivered on April 2 by two psychiatry residents at UCLA, Drs. Ragda Izar and Afaf Moustafa, under the auspices of the department’s diversity office and UCLA’s Health Ethics Center, according to slides and emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The remarks centered on the suicide of Aaron Bushnell, the U.S. serviceman who set himself on fire in February to protest U.S. support for Israel—or, as Izar put it, “indigenous Palestine.” MORE

11 Comments on UCLA Psychiatrists Cheer Self-Immolation in Leaked Audio

  1. “under the auspices of the department’s diversity office and UCLA’s Health Ethics Center”

    Well, now, let’s see. If they’re all dead, they’re not “diverse” anymore.

    And I don’t think “Health Ethics” means what they think it means.

    Fire the Department Chair or the Dean, whichever applies.

  2. Wait, I think these doctors (?) are on to something. Not only should we praise Bushnell in his “martyrdom”, we should adopt a public position that any time a lib wants to un-life themselves for a good cause, we will collectively hold them in esteem, recognizing the value of post-life virtual signaling.

  3. It is heart-warming to find such a burning desire for self-destruction among those I despise and who would do me and mine harm.

    And I’m with @Rich. Say his name! Aaron “Hot Mess” Bushnell

  4. If someone wants to let off steam, self-immolation may be the best approach. Humans are supposed to be 95% or 98% water. Build a big bonfire around you, and light it. It will soon get the water out in the form of steam, mist, fog, whatever it’s called.

    Honestly, I think this is the perfect way for liberals to protest. Leave a mark, or at least a smudge, on the sidewalk.


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