UCLA Students React To Mandatory Fees Funding ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Committee – IOTW Report

UCLA Students React To Mandatory Fees Funding ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Committee

DC: Students who attend the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) must pay a hefty fee for the operation of a committee dedicated to combatting toxic masculinity on campus, and not all students are happy about it.

Formed by a group of female UCLA students in the spring, the Toxic Masculinity Committee pushes back against forms of masculinity that “cause men to act in a harmful way towards others based on unattainable gender norms and impacts real life situations in a negative way,” according to UCLA senior Aziza Wright, Campus Reform reported Monday. Wright served as the captain of the Toxic Masculinity Committee during the university’s spring semester.

All UCLA students must pay a student activity fee amounting to $376 per quarter or $1,126 every academic year to support the committee’s activities.

“UCLA is a public university. They should not be spending money on [the] committee,” UCLA junior Victoria Miller said, according to Campus Reform. “There is nothing wrong with masculinity. In fact, many women are attracted to it.” She did, however, applaud the group’s February event raising awareness about sexual assault.

“Toxic masculinity ridicules men for just being men … toxic masculinity is a myth and when its brought up, it’s always to disparage men,” senior Louis Madrid IV said. “Men and women are different both biologically and psychologically,” he added, noting that those differences are okay.   more here

14 Comments on UCLA Students React To Mandatory Fees Funding ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Committee

  1. An example of New Math? It says about $1100/year for each of 40 thousand students which would amount to about $44 million/year but it says it totals about 40 thousand a year. So…

  2. Rampant Toxic Feminism. This has to stop! Along with ‘re-educatiin’ of gender norms. There are two genders, per chromosome.

    The bastardization of science is used as a leftist weapon. Gender ‘science’ bastardizationkeeps changing faux facts, just as ‘climate whatever-it’s-called-today’ the only thing ‘fluid’ about either faux ‘science’ is the movement of their faux statistics.

    ‘A house built upon sand, cannot stand.’

  3. This is happening where a new TV show is planned in the fall where a white family (the Johnson’s with a white child named “Grover Johnson”) moves into a black neighborhood. The trailers are quite racist and offensive imagine using the same jokes where a black family was the target? Starring Cedric the Entotainer

    A-holes with agendas run amok!

  4. Whut this tells me is they can make up any old shit they feel like concocting and charge people for it!!
    Gee Wally, I thought only art shows could do that!
    Yeah Beave, this is really bad performance art!!

  5. This is why none of my (successful) kids went to the Universities…
    This is why none of my grandchildren will to to Universities…
    This is why I do not hire those who graduate from major Universities…

    Universities = Cultural Poison. The University swamp must be drained.

  6. The story says that 18 students will word x hours at $13 per each quarter to reduce this toxic masculinity. The men on the campus ought to demand that half those positions be filled in the same proportion of male and female as the student population is.


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