UConn Student Thinks He Is A Gun Control Expert – IOTW Report

UConn Student Thinks He Is A Gun Control Expert

BearingArms: The issue of gun control and the Second Amendment is something that is continually debated across our country but it’s even more prominent on America’s breeding ground for Liberals: college campuses. One leftie at the University of Connecticut decided to pen an eop-ed telling gun owners that we’re just paranoid that the government is coming after our guns. Of course, he spewed the same rhetoric you hear from President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

The organization [NRA] wants people to believe that a Hillary Clinton Supreme Court justice would help in restricting the 2nd Amendment and leaving people defenseless.

Um…this isn’t a myth.

Hillary Clinton herself said she would do everything in her power to make sure she appoints someone who agrees with her agenda for gun control.

This guy needs to listen to the audio for himself.

President Obama, the evil Muslim communist from Kenya, couldn’t even get universal background checks.

Obama couldn’t get “universal background checks” passed in part due to significant flaws in the National Instant Background Check System (NICS). As it is, 38 states send less than 80 percent of their criminal convictions to the FBI for them to update the NICS system. They could be one of the criminals who fall into that 20 percent threshold who aren’t passed off to the FBI.

Before anyone even remotely talks about passing universal background checks, maybe, just maybe, we should talk about fixing these flaws.  MORE

16 Comments on UConn Student Thinks He Is A Gun Control Expert

  1. “…telling gun owners that we’re just paranoid that the government is coming after our guns.”

    Completely ignoring the fact that idiots like himself said the same under Lenin but still ended up kneeling in the ditch.

  2. I don’t even bother debating these idiots anymore. That is a failure on my part because that is their process, to wear us down to the point where we stop fighting for our rights and just give up.

    I just say no. I will not give up my guns. I will not comply. I will not give up one more inch.

    I cannot express how happy I am to live in Texas where, despite some bone heads who feel they HAVE to make a point, I can carry a rifle legally if I want to. I can carry a handgun in my car for protection without registration or any additional permits. I can get a carry permit and carry a handgun on my side or concealed to protect if I so choose. If someone comes into my home I don’t have to help my whole family escape out the back door during a break in because I have to worry about being tried for defending them.

    Idiots like that kid may be executed last by an out of control government, but eventually the government would get him (or her) too.

  3. “Nobody is trying to take your guns.” Right, not now. Even people stupid enough to believe more laws are a solution to lawbreaking know you can’t confiscate them if you don’t know who has them.

    There short term goal is a list of who has guns, i.e. a de facto national registry. THEN they’ll be ready for the next step. Justices Holder and Lynch will write the majority opinion declaring it constitutional, and the night raids and shooting will commence.

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