Uganda Passes Law Against Human Sacrifice – IOTW Report

Uganda Passes Law Against Human Sacrifice

Ghana Report

Until now, the country’s laws did not provide for the crime of human sacrifice and such wrongdoing have over the years been prosecuted as murder or other offences.

The legislation – the Prevention and Prohibition of Human Sacrifices Bill 2020 – proposes a death sentence for any person convicted of committing human sacrifice or financing the practice.

It also criminalises the possession of human parts, their use in medicine for sale or personal use. A person convicted for the offence faces life imprisonment.

Any person who spreads belief in human sacrifice for financial gain, encourages anyone to use a human body in any ritual, on conviction will also receive a life sentence. read more

13 Comments on Uganda Passes Law Against Human Sacrifice

  1. …far as I know, the United States doesn’t explicitly outlaw human sacrifice in PARTICULAR, and as long as Abortion is still used to sacrifice Innocents to Baal and for-profit traffic in body parts, Democrats aren’t likely to ALLOW such a law, EITHER…

    …so don’t be too smug here. An African shithole whose leader was eating people just a generation ago now has more advanced laws than WE do, and is more likely to ENFORCE them to boot…

  2. (George Castanza voice:) “Yes, I did a human sacrifice. Was that wrong? No one specifically said anything but… if it’s looked down upon then…”


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