Ugandan activist thanks US for ending USAID handouts to her country – IOTW Report

Ugandan activist thanks US for ending USAID handouts to her country


A TikTok influencer and activist reportedly from Uganda is standing strong in support of the scrutinization of the USAID. Even though African nations receive billions of U.S. tax dollars, the influence admits there’s obvious corruption and questions why anyone would be opposed to an audit.

“Often the money given to us in foreign aid is lost to corruption, misuse, depleted and overrated salaries to particular individuals. Or sometimes they lose billions of money that are unaccounted for.”

She argued for Africans to have a moment of self-reflection and welcome the audit of a program that is allegedly ripping off both Americans and Africans. While admitting she would likely get a lot of backlash for her stance, she called for Uganda and other African nations to “get themselves together” and start working on self-sustainability rather than depending on foreign aid. more

5 Comments on Ugandan activist thanks US for ending USAID handouts to her country

  1. Now that the censorship racket, funded by this bullshit has been broken by Elon Musk buying twitter, all hell is going to break loose.

    Pro tip: Focus on the Bush connections to this. The CIA is up to their necks in this and they are straight up Bush.

    What we are going to see is peace and prosperity throughout the world the likes of which we have never seen if/when the CIA and their bullshit is completely shut down.

  2. Foreign aid funds dictators, not people.

    It pays for killing, not healing.

    The guys with the guns take it all and buy more guns with it to solidify their tyranny.

    Always been that way.

    Always will be.

    …See Somolia, Gaza, and pretty much anywhere ELSE Democrats have sent money stolen from us to for further details…

  3. What I posted above is a near comprehensive explanation of why it was imperative to the Ryan-McRomBush Republic establishment to have the Cheney See You Next Tuesday on the J6th Committee. It also is exactly why I have been so adamant about not looking at the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement through the blue vs red lense and ascribing what has been going on exclusively to Democrats. It should also help to explain why it was that Bush SR hauled out the phrase Compassionate Conservatism and tried so hard to inculcate the notion that by adopting elements of wokeism into legitimate conservatism. It explains Bush SR applying the nonsensical Religion of Peace to straight up islamists and not making it clear that the radical element is absolutely not consistent with American values. It explains why the CIA tried so hard to kill our President. it explains a hell of a lot.

  4. @ SNS SATURDAY, 8 FEBRUARY 2025, 11:19 AT 11:19 AM

    They would have you believe that it’s Democrats, but that is not true. Not only is it not true, the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement has invested a hell of a lot of capital in selling the notion that the Republican establishment is opposed to what they have been up to. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats play the out and proud anti American parts in this production and the Republican establishment’s scripted part is what is known as controlled opposition. It’s kabuki theater at its worst, the fake drama would make the producers of Portland Wrestling proud.

    The unvarnished truth is that the Republican establishment is far closer to AOC than they are to the Constitutional conservative Republican base.

    The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement wants you and I focused on the Democrats as the problem and looking to the Republican establishment as our allies, if not our savior. To fall for that is to still support their joint cause.

  5. If you don’t recognize that the Republican establishment was well aware of how USAID got into what the the CIA existed to advance, as opposed to their stated purpose, it can appear that this was a straight up Democrat operation. It’s has not been. It has been a vital element in the progressive/Marxist/Satanist move to dominate the entire world. The Republican establishment, putting on the sheep’s clothing of being the guardians of true Americanism and feigning opposition has been the wolves way to give the sheep somewhere to go where they felt safe, away from the wolves that were not aping sheep and were out and proud wolves, yet still remain all ft and docile within the progressive flock.


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