The $1.7 trillion spending bill names things after the D.C. swamp creatures passing it. That includes Pelosi. From this day henceforth, the San Francisco Federal Building (that is its name) will be named the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building. The San Francisco Federal Building is the ugly thing blotting the skyline that architects love and everyone else hates. MORE
Hopefully they’ll erect a statue of her for the … birds.
…to match Nancy, it needs to be EVER UGLIER inside than it is outside, be old and decrepit, every single feature of it used to oppress and beat down anyone who approaches it, require HUGE amounts of money just for BEING there, smell worse than it looks, and have a husband building that sucks on the Transamerica pyramid until it hits it with a hammer.
…althogh a vodka distellery may be a better fit to “honor” her with.
…BTW Nancy, that old saying about how vodka “kisses and never tells” is almost as big a lie as the ones YOU speak.
We can tell it about you, Nan.
Believe me, we can tell.
Our ugliest building in Spokane is the County health bldg. located a couple of blocks away from the County courthouse, local Sheriffs and Police depts. offices and jail. Whoever designed it with four turrets on the top corners of the building wasn’t much of an architect. It’s jokingly referred to as the four thumbs building and also the four urinals building where the Jolly green giant can stop and take a pee when he passes thru town. Our old Coliseum built (we called it the Boone Street barn) in 1953 looked like a giant pink Quonset hut or airplane hangar, fortunately it was torn down in the 80’s and replaced with a much better and larger arena. Another nightmare was the Kingdome in Seattle built in the mid 70’s and torn down in the late 90’s, thank goodness. Indoor MLB baseball sucks, it was replaced by Safeco Field the home of the Seattle Mariners and they also built a new stadium for the Seahawks as well just across the street.
Communism always makes things ugly.
Tear it down.
Demolish it.
Let not one brick stand upon another.
After burning her fetid carcass, mix her ashes in salt.
Then, sow the ground with the salt.
She is the embodiment of Evil.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Whoa, I duckled it and that is one butt ugly building.
Jawa sand crawler
(Can’t post photo)
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
“ugliness, repulsive, meaningless” – describes San Fran Nan to a tee.
DECEMBER 22, 2022 AT 10:08 AM
“Communism always makes things ugly.”
…it makes PEOPLE ugly, too.
Especially, too.
Good reading here among friends. Just adding my own 2 cents that we might enjoy a Hunter Biden portrait of Mrs Pelosi to decorate the ugly building’s interior.
Needs saggier Tits.
IMO, the ugliest is the Chet Holfield Fed Bldg. in southern OC. It is in the form of a step pyramid, with an ugly dull yellow paint job. Even worse is the huge amount of land the fed gov’t holds around the building, empty acres but paved for a parking lot which no cars actually ever park in. It’s A big waste of land. The feds have put the building and land up for sale.
They should name the overpriced, failed public toilet after her.
DECEMBER 22, 2022 AT 11:49 AM
“They should name the overpriced, failed public toilet after her.”
…that would be ironic since it is she who shits all over us, not the other way ’round…
If you can’t piss on her grave, piss on her building.
Now they need to commission a huge sculpture of a Hammer for the lobby!
If Pelosi isn’t a spawn of Satan, she’s at least a cousin.
The earthquake causing the complete collapse & destruction of the building immediately after the new sign went up would certainly be a good sign…