Ugo Okere, a Dem candidate for Chicago alderman wants socialism in ‘control of every facet of our lives’ – IOTW Report

Ugo Okere, a Dem candidate for Chicago alderman wants socialism in ‘control of every facet of our lives’

American Thinker; Sometimes I feel as though I’m living in the early 1930s in Germany, listening to Adolf Hitler espouse his views on how the Nazis will make people’s lives so much better.

For Ugo Okere, a candidate for Chicago alderman, the 1930s is now.

Washington Free Beacon:

In a Thursday interview with the left-wing Jacobin, Okere was asked to define democratic socialism, and he gave a remarkably expansive answer.

“Democratic socialism, to me, is about democratic control of every single facet of our life,” he said.  “Government is led by the people, not by big corporations, not by multibillionaires, and working people actually have control over who we elect to be our politicians, over how elections work, and over how our government is structured.  People have the power.”

Okere went on to say he believes socialism should guide a society’s entire course, not just its political structures:

Democratic socialism even extends to our relationships and how we treat each other.  [It looks] at the world through a socialist-feminist lens, in how we treat people who are black, who are brown, who are femme, who are non-binary, who are gender-nonconforming, and who are working class.

To me, we’ll have achieved democratic socialism not when there is no conflict in the world, but when our societies are not governed based on power, but are governed based on the mutual understanding that everybody deserves a decent and quality life.

This socialist vision of society seeks to overturn the existing order and should not be confused with the mainstream progressive left, Okere explained.

Like most Utopians, Okere should frighten the bejesus out of all of us.  Once people get in their head that they know what’s best for everyone, heads get lopped off, and the detention camps fill up.  read more

22 Comments on Ugo Okere, a Dem candidate for Chicago alderman wants socialism in ‘control of every facet of our lives’

  1. Excuse me, Ugo, I’m already a sovereign citizen of a Republic founded on freedom. And your ‘socialism’ is nothing but a yoke around my neck. It diminishes everything in our Constitution. Do yourself a favor and go read it.

  2. Once people get in their head that they know what’s best for everyone, heads get lopped off, and the detention camps fill up.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  3. Demonrat Socialist!
    Total Control!
    Not just politics, but every aspect of your – YOUR – life!
    Where have we heard that?
    National Socialist?
    Soviet Socialist?
    Italians Socialist (Fascist)?
    Cuban Socialist?
    Venezuelan Socialist?
    Libyan Socialist?
    Chinese Socialist (Mao-ist)?
    Albanian Socialist?
    Yugoslavian Socialist?
    German Demonratic Socialist (East Germany)?
    Bulgarian Socialist?
    Polish Socialist (Polish People’s Republic)?

    For all you lemmings (and other NPCs) out there – ever heard of any of these governments?
    Any idea what life was like in any of them? Do you even care enough to ask?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Major Mal Function February 24, 2019 at 12:11 pm

    > make America like your African home, which you fled

    No electric train across the ocean needed? Xe just ran here?

    (I don’t think so.)

  5. Plus ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose. This guy is crying out for slavery. Ironic. The slave master controlled every facet of his slaves’ lives.

    “Democratic socialism, to me, is about democratic control of every single facet of our life,”

  6. Dumbing down the next generation is key to the Socialist-Communist agenda. Dumbing-Down with how they’ve been teaching kids for the last 25 years with 2+Orange=Thursday Common Core logic, lack of real History, lying about history, your gender doesn’t matter, America is a racist, Hitler-electing nation where the flag is like a swastika, unlimited Free Shit, the planet only has 12 years left and all the other assorted outright lies is how they drain the incentive out of people who don’t know any better to get them to accept control over their lives.

  7. We ARE living in 1930s germany. Its just hard to see when you are living through it. Just read any account from someone who did in the 1930s.

    We are in the fight of our lives.

  8. Not for me, Uuuuuuugo. An inalienable component of your “democratic socialism” is the use of violence against any person who disagrees. As has been pointed out many times, democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on the dinner menu.

  9. @TRF February 24, 2019 at 1:01 pm

    > Dumbing down the next generation is key to the Socialist-Communist agenda. Dumbing-Down with how they’ve been teaching kids for the last 25 years with 2+Orange=Thursday

    Not a theoretical question:
    What if they just, really are, that stupid? And then?

  10. The reason socialism and communism don’t work is simple: people. Despots can rail against the rich industrialists and business people, but eventually those very same types of people will realize that the power and money are now in the government and gravitate there. Instead of George Soros evil capitalist, you will have George Soros evil government official. Similarly, the governed are also people with desires and dreams and needs that do not necessarily jibe with those who govern their lives, and force is needed to make them do what the government decrees they must do. Eventually, those in charge follow a familiar arc to remain in power because they become unpopular – rigged and fraudulent elections closely followed by a naked declaration that they are in charge for life. If the governed are lucky, they will get someone like Gorbachev who is largely ineffective; if they are unlucky, they will get a Stalin, a Pol Pot, a Kim Jong Un, or a Mao.

    We studied these government controlled economic systems in college, and at first glance they seemed logical and beneficial. But then some of us injected people – specifically human nature – into the systems and socialism/communism quickly fell apart. A Soviet collective farm should work because of economies of scale, etc. – except it didn’t and failed horribly. The reason was people and human nature and failings from the top all the way to the bottom.

    We don’t even need to guess about the viability of these types of socialist and communist governments – we have real live examples from the 20th century (the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea) all the way up to today (Venezuela). All are failures. All kept their power through force, intimidation, prisons, fear and death. Okere, Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez are just the latest evil mongers who promise utopia to gain power but will only deliver hell on earth.

  11. “but are governed based on the mutual understanding that everybody deserves a decent and quality life”
    Lazlo begs to differ.
    Lazy pukes who don’t want to work deserve to starve


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