Uh… – IOTW Report


26 Comments on Uh…

  1. At a rally the other day, Trump got the name of a candidate he was endorsing and CNN spent three days on it.
    Even though Trump spoke fluently for 90 minutes…

    biden* has likely shit himself on live TV and not a word from the MSM.

  2. He’s talking about the 25% of students in this country that are to stupid to learn English. But that’s not what he was suppose to say. Everyone likes to treat Slow Joe like he’s stupid because of his advanced age. If you check his history you’ll find he’s been saying stupid shit his entire life.

  3. I actually got into a conversation the other day with a liberal. (I know. I shoulda known better)

    He kept going on about Trump being a criminal, a pedophile, a traitor and tax cheat and all the BS that they believe.
    I finally asked him, “Why is it that you are so quick to condemn the guy I voted for, but you think your guy is a saint? Haven’t you heard about all the facts that came out about Biden, mainly from his own son’s laptop?”

    He says, “Yeah, but Trump is a crook just like they say. That stuff about Biden is all lies.”

    It’s like talking to a brick wall. 😖

  4. “Conquer and honor”….wait, what?

    And is he saying “gotten away”, or “gotten in the way”? Man, I’d hate to be his sign language interpreter.

    And riddle me this, squinty: How did we magically get to a quarter of our school kids speaking Spanish?

  5. My kids, like me when I was their age, take mexican in high school for language requirement.

    I ask them constantly, since day 1 of mexican class, how do you say, “Give me back my wallet?”

    The number uno most useful phrase to ask a mexican in mexican and they don’t teach it. Instead they are taught how to ask where the frickin library is. Like that’s ever helpful. Neither one still know how to ask for their wallet back.

  6. @Woody – wow, you met and talked with my brother? I had the exact conversation with him a few months back.

    I’m told that a lot of people have finally realized that Trump wasn’t the worst thing to happen to this country but there are still plenty who still think that we are better off without the bad orange man no matter what this demented “president” puts us through.

    O/T – Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. We are being distracted by the leak but May 23rd is getting a lot closer in the rearview mirror and nobody is talking about title 42 anymore.

  7. Maybe 25% of students in CA but here in New England? Or in northern states?
    What an idjit.
    He always says the quiet part out loud. The left would love to conquer anyone who gets in the way of their power grabbing dreams.

  8. “31 While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.

    32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

    33 The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws.”
    Daniel 4:31-33

  9. Multi-lingual, you mean forked tongue pig latin, spoke fluent gibberish for 90 minutes, all the makings of a used car salesman with a lot full of lemons

  10. Here ya go ecp: Por favor, devuélveme mi billetera

    Though, personally, I get a more expeditious response when my Combat Commander does the asking. No translation required.


  11. Hey Chum,
    Spanish was only foreign language offered in my HS. I had a bit of trouble with it, the instructor was our prim and proper English teacher, and she taught Castilian. Being raised on a West Texas ranch/farm, my siblings and I were around migrant hired-hands from the time we could walk. The same families came through every year working the season up from The Valley into Canada. They traveled in family caravans, kinda like Gypsies. Dad and Pops had converted old wooden granaries into temp living space for their use during the 3 to 4 months they were with us. All of us kids played together. So, TexMex was like a second language.

    The Army, in its wisdom, inflicted on me a spate of TDYs out at The Presidio in hopes that I might master Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, and Farsi. The thinking being “to better know thy enemy”. Too bad they didn’t have courses for the various flavors of Woketard…speaking to denizens of that crowd is like talking to disembodied souls from the Oort Cloud.


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