Uh-oh! DC Circuit Court of Appeals issues ruling that could force more Hillary email disclosures – IOTW Report

Uh-oh! DC Circuit Court of Appeals issues ruling that could force more Hillary email disclosures

AT: Just when Hillary thought she was going to skate on her obvious criminal violations of national security laws, the nation’s second highest court has issued a ruling that could cause big trouble for her.  The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ranks just below the Supreme Court, since its jurisdiction extends to the federal government agencies in the nation’s capital.  Including the State Department.  It has just (via Brian Fung in the Washington Post):

… held in its decision that work email stored privately is still subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. The whole point of FOIA, the court said, is to provide transparency on public officials’ behavior while in office. Circumventing that by hosting government documents on non-governmental servers defeats that purpose, Judge David Sentelle said.

In other words, work emails are work emails, no matter where they happen to live or who happens to control access to them.

This is directly relevant to Hillary:  MORE

12 Comments on Uh-oh! DC Circuit Court of Appeals issues ruling that could force more Hillary email disclosures

  1. Sorry – but who cares. She will not be indicted fo nuffin.

    There is more than ample evidence to show that she initiated a course of conduct designed to conceal criminal activity. Comey testified before Congress on this today.

    So FOIL away – nothing will happen. Nobody’s listening except us. Perhaps the desired effect is that the undecided voters will be convinced that Trump is the only viable alternative. Will this be enough to defeat the fraudulent democratic voting machine? I dunno.

    We can do what we can, the rest is in God’s hands.

  2. I’m getting a strong sense that HRC will be dead before the Dem convention is over.

    Now, nobody should get the wrong idea and panic or come arrest me or anything. I’m also getting a strong sense that highly esteemed and qualified govt medical personnel will find that she died of natural causes. My best guess: hemorrhagic stroke.

    Sure would be mighty convenient for a bunch of pols and their pals…

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