Uh oh! The LSM are really letting CNN and Buzzfeed have it over fake ‘Russian Memo’ story – IOTW Report

Uh oh! The LSM are really letting CNN and Buzzfeed have it over fake ‘Russian Memo’ story

It’s hilarious. All of it.

Morning Joe Attacks CNN, Buzzfeed Report On Trump And Russia: ‘There’s No Story Here’

Tom Brokaw and Mika Brzezinski slammed CNN and Buzzfeed for publishing an opposition memo alleging Russia has been helping President-elect Donald Trump for years, saying it’s “not even reportable” on “Morning Joe” Wednesday.

Journos BLAST BuzzFeed For Publishing Unsubstantiated Trump Dossier

BuzzFeed is being widely criticized by reporters for its decision on Tuesday to publish an unsubstantiated 35-page dossier alleging that the Russian government is blackmailing Donald Trump with dirt on illicit sexual and financial activities.

21 Comments on Uh oh! The LSM are really letting CNN and Buzzfeed have it over fake ‘Russian Memo’ story

  1. Watched the same stompy-foot exhibition at Fox News this morning. Too funny! One of the women was whining about how Scuzzfeed and Co. “do great harm to ‘us real’ journalists who have to confirm….people like Bret (Baier) here…” Baier about coughed into his hand when asked to comment. He’s as slimy as the rest of them!

  2. “BuzzFeed is being widely criticized by reporters for its decision on Tuesday to publish an unsubstantiated 35-page dossier alleging that the Russian government is blackmailing Donald Trump with dirt on illicit sexual and financial activities.”

    John Mcstain is the guy that originally came up with that document.


  3. CNN
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  4. The Russians probably have a ton more things on Hillary if they really wanted to blackmail a US President but the Russians supposedly hacked the election to help Trump. Then supposedly the stuff abut Trump is leaked. I would venture to say that if that stuff was real, no-one in the west would know about it until the Russians were ready to use it.

    I guess being a leftist journalist (I know I am being redundant) means never having to make sense.

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