UK: 78-Yr-Old Man Arrested After Stabbing Burglar to Death with Screwdriver – IOTW Report

UK: 78-Yr-Old Man Arrested After Stabbing Burglar to Death with Screwdriver

Let me guess. Self-defense is not a right in the UK?

Breitbart: Police have arrested an elderly homeowner on suspicion of murder after a suspected armed burglar was stabbed to death during a break-in at a house in London.

According to the Evening Standard, the 78-year-old and his wife were asleep in bed at their south London home when the husband was awoken by noises and went to find two men in the middle of a suspected break-in.

Confronted by one of the suspected robbers, who was wielding a screwdriver, the pensioner was forced into his kitchen where police say a struggle took place in which the homeowner suffered bruising to his arms amongst injuries which are not life-threatening.

Scotland Yard said the 37-year-old intruder was rushed to hospital after sustaining a single stab wound to his chest, and that he died shortly after 3am.

Officers were summoned to reports of a burglary in process at what the Mirror reported is described as a “very quiet” road in Hither Green at around 12.45am.  more here

21 Comments on UK: 78-Yr-Old Man Arrested After Stabbing Burglar to Death with Screwdriver

  1. Remember the teen girl they arrested because she was carrying pepper spray? She threatened a muslim who grabbed her. When she called the Faux-lice, they arrested her for the pepperspray and didn’t GAS about the perp.
    What will end up happening is that victims will kill muslims and just let them lay in the street. No reporting to anyone. If it hasn’t started already.

  2. Ironic, isn’t it, that the country *with* the castles hasn’t a law saying it’s alright to defend it. And the one without castles… (well, excepting Hurst castle)

  3. Never give up your guns. Never let this happen where you plan to live, ever. This is what happens when an entire country is taken over by progtard females, faggots, and the kind of men who get a boner from being beaten by a riding crop. This is what happens when perverts and trash rule your nation.

  4. “No go” zones?
    The end of civilization.

    Police being ambushed by the people they attack?
    Self-evidently stupid.

    Being arrested for defending yourself?
    White patriarchy problems.

  5. @Anonymous, not just arrested for defending yourself, but on suspicion of **murder** before the investigation is even rolling along!

    Arrest for murder first, investigate later. That’s the way of the Met.

    Unless, of course, you’re from a privileged group and have had your feelings hurt.

  6. *me five or so years ago*
    “I mean I’ve always wanted to visit Japan, but England seems to lovely, and no need to learn a new language!”

    *annnnd now the present me*
    “Sooo, how cheaply can I get good Japanese lessons?”
    (No, seriously. I’m now gonna learn Japanese.)

  7. Suicide of the West.

    Decline of the West.

    England lost its manhood fighting on the Continent in two World Wars – nothing left but back-benchers and sissies.
    Shame, really.
    Nothing to believe in, to fight for, worth giving a fuck about – just another 3rd world shit-hole infested with rat-people – another Frangistan.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. a 78 year old man turning the weapon of the burglars choice against him ?

    that’s some 78 year.

    I guess the burglar had a screw loose and the 78 year old helped him tighten it up.

    the police should realize the 78 year old was performing routine maintenance.

  9. @cuffed, save your time and money, just about everybody there speaks Engrish.
    Hello, goodbye, thank you, just enough to be polite.
    Learn to bow, pretty important.

  10. If he had used a simple manual flat head screwdriver instead of one of those fully semi-automatic electric Philips head screwdrivers with the high capacity interchangeable tip and silencer attachment, he probably never would have been arrested.


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