UK: Amid soaring utility costs, 1 in 4 people say they won’t turn on the heat this winter – IOTW Report

UK: Amid soaring utility costs, 1 in 4 people say they won’t turn on the heat this winter

TWN: A new poll suggests that nearly one in four adults will not turn on their heating this winter.

According to a Savanta ComRes survey commissioned by the Liberal Democrats, more than 20% of the adults surveyed said they would never turn the heat on, and that parents under the age of 18 He’s up to 27%. before the new energy price cap was announced.

Nearly 7 in 10 turn on their heating less often, and more than 1 in 10 take out a loan.

This is because the energy price cap is set to rise by 80% by October, pushing the average household’s annual bill from £1,971 to £3,549.

His Simon Francis, coordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, told his Star newspaper:

“This is a dangerous situation. Not turning on the heat means risking living in a cold, damp home. more

20 Comments on UK: Amid soaring utility costs, 1 in 4 people say they won’t turn on the heat this winter

  1. …Not turning on the heat means risking living in a cold, damp home.”

    …REAL damp, after the ice breaks your pipes.

    One category of emergencies I saw every winter was folks that got their power cut so they’d try creative ways to heat, usually involving things like Coleman stoves and other camping things that made flame, sometimes candles, and occasionally lighting fires in things not built for fires. You can kind of follow the logic in lighting a fire in an electric stove, but the stove REALLY isn’t built for that, and the ventilation is pretty non-existent for ALL of these modes.

    This is why most multi-unit dwellings build heat into the rent, so they can kick you out before you kill or make homeless 19 other families this way.

    But if the entire BUILDING is cut off by stupid Goverment caused shortages, all it takes is ONE guy saying “Fuck it, Ima get warm” and suddenly the coroner is real busy…

    …Cold can make you crazy, like starvation or thirst. Very few people are willing to get frostbitten for “the greater good”.

    Many will die trying to survive these insane green polcies. Guaranteed.

    I wonder if we’ll ever hear about it…

  2. I don’t see how people are going to make it. You can live without air conditioning but you can’t live without heat. I remember how hard it was to come up with money for heating oil when it was fairly cheap when other bills like rent and food and clothing and light bills and phone bills all fought for my attention as a single mom.

  3. Wait until the real illnesses show up – it will be 10x worse than covid ever was. Trump warned them about their energy dependence. I don’t really care, got my own stuff to think about. Glad I live in a mild climate.

  4. TheMule
    AUGUST 29, 2022 AT 1:53 PM
    “You can always burn the desiccated corpses of lynched green agenda bureaucrats.”.

    …nah. they smell like shit and patchouli, and the vegan ones don’t have enough fat to burn very long.

    Althogh covering them in tar and THEN lighting them off is an option we shouldn’t lose sight of. Not so much for utility purposes, but a few of those flung through the windows of the elite may resolve some issues…

  5. Read the second paragraph above (from the article) carefully. Sounds like the author is freezing to death already. (“Parents under the age of 18” ??)

    Also, “Liberal Democrat.” Are there “Conservative Democrats” in The UK?

  6. Say what?
    AUGUST 29, 2022 AT 2:58 PM
    “What? Politicians aren’t flammable?”

    …you CAN burn them, but they don’t burn very well and they stink when they burn.

    Better to just hang them and burn their houses instead.

    Or at least their workplaces…

  7. General Malaise, the Lib-Dems as they are known in UK, are a political party to the right of Labour and left of the Tories. That doesn’t mean they are moderates. They are basically useless prats that will never form a government in the UK. The closest they ever got to any parliamentary power was a coalition government with the Tories in 2010.

  8. I lived in a small village call Kings Cliffe when I was stationed in the UK back in the 70’s. There’s a bakery there that has continuously operated since the 1700’s. They were forced to close their doors last week because of the cost of energy over there. They simply cannot make a profit after paying the utility bills anymore.

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