UK: Authorities Forced Victim of Telford Grooming Gang to Bring Her Child to Prison To See Rapist – IOTW Report

UK: Authorities Forced Victim of Telford Grooming Gang to Bring Her Child to Prison To See Rapist

Breitbart Europe:

A victim of the Telford grooming gang has revealed she was forced to bring her child to see her rapist or be arrested.

The girl was targetted by the mostly Pakistani-heritage gang, which victimised up to a thousand mostly White British girls in the West Midlands Town, when she was just 14, and gave birth to her child when she was just 15 — and was forced to allow her rapist access.

“This has been happening for years and it’s an absolute disgrace,” the victim — named as “Alison” to protect her identity — told the Daily Mirror.

“I was forced to take my child to a contact centre to see my abuser, where I had to sit across from him. He wanted to hurt me by targeting the thing I loved most in the world,” she said.

“It was just another way of trying to control me. Despite the fact I’d repeatedly tried to tell police and social services what was going on, the court allowed him to see my child.

“I was told I would be held in contempt and arrested if I didn’t take him to the contact centre,” she said.

“They made me feel like I was the one in the wrong. I was terrified I’d go to jail.

“The whole thing was extremely traumatic. It gave my child nightmares for years.  more here

10 Comments on UK: Authorities Forced Victim of Telford Grooming Gang to Bring Her Child to Prison To See Rapist

  1. Spooky old Europe is alive and well. It’s obvious to us that middle eastern people don’t think like us. Not so obvious is Europeans don’t think like us either.


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