UK bans knives – IOTW Report

UK bans knives


Setting priorities for the “future of our young people,” the United Kingdom announced a new crackdown that showed how ninjas and “hurty words” lined up with “zombie-style knives.”

As the cultural clash wrought by years of globalist policies carried nations to a tipping point, officials in the UK have seen fit to combat unrest by leaning further into their authoritarian impulses. Monday, that came in the form of an announced ban dancing on the line between comedy and tragedy.

Posted on the Home Office’s social media page, the government announced, “Failing to surrender zombie-style knives or machetes could cost you up to two years behind bars,” as a period to turn over scary-looking blades was established in exchange for potential compensation. more

30 Comments on UK bans knives

  1. I guess the Brits were never allowed to play mumbley peg as kids. But buggery was A OK. I may have had some English ancestors, but a lot of them left jolly ol’ England in the 1630’s for religious freedom in America and freedom from persecution as Christians. Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island is in my family tree on my mom’s side of the family and is one of my ancestors.

  2. I’ve carried bladed weapons since I was a boy. Ive used knives for everything from eating to rescue. Ive used knives to strip wires, break windows, prune trees, clean my nails, and defend myself as well as a hundred other things in my everyday life (not necessarily the same knife every time, and I do clean them). I’m never without one, and right now I have more than one on my person because Im at work and theyre efficient tools, with these two having some special purpose features.

    Ive fought with knives, disarmed people with knives, and taken classes specifically in knife fighting to make sure Im not rusty. Ive treated knife injuries on myself and others so Im very aware of what a knife can do. A knife to me is just an extension of my hand at this point.

    I will under no circumstances surrender them.

    And I know six places I can kill you with a one inch cut if you try to take them.

    …but in the end, its always a mistake to focus on the knife, and not the hand that wields it.

    The hand is far more deadly.

    And there are ALWAYS weapons.


  3. geoff the aardvark
    Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 13:44 at 1:44 pm
    “I guess the Brits were never allowed to play mumbley peg as kids.”

    …I aint gonna lie, I did stupid things with knives when I was younger too, and have the scars to prove it.

    Part of growing up. The burned hand teaches best, after all.

    But my stupidity I paid for MYSELF, as I was the one doing the stupid.

    At no point did my mother try to take my brother’s knife away to make sure he didnt cut his ear when a knife throwing experiment went horribly wrong like I did.

    My crimes were my OWN, and no one else’s.

    …Too bad the government cant be as just as a mother…

  4. A variation of the attitude here in The Colonies;
    You can come and get my knives (guns) when you FIRST remove all the knives (guns) from the sand chiggers (criminals). Good luck with that.

  5. Thank God we have the United States Of America.

    Imagine three little girls in your neighborhood dead from a murderous attack, and a bunch of others wounded and the UK liberals can’t stand the idea of people being righteously pissed off about it.

    The idiotic UK gov’t is blaming knives for the attacks.

    What does that leave people to defend themselves with? Nothing.

  6. What has happened to Great Britain since the heroic days of 1940-45?

    Liberals in government is what has ruined it.

    There is a famous cartoon from a Brit newspaper after the fall of France. It shows a British soldier with his arm and fist raised with German bombers flying overhead. The caption reads: Very well , Alone.


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