UK: Boris Johnson Goads hard-Left Corbyn Over Taking Cash From Iran – IOTW Report

UK: Boris Johnson Goads hard-Left Corbyn Over Taking Cash From Iran

Breitbart: The Prime Minister and leader of the opposition sparred over Iran in the first House of Commons clash of 2020 Wednesday, where Boris Johnson appeared to back U.S. action against Qassem Soleimani and goaded Corbyn over money he received from an Iranian propaganda outfit.

Meeting in Prime Minister’s Questions, a weekly chance for the leader of the opposition and other members of parliament to interrogate the Prime Minister, the beleaguered Labour leader challenged Boris Johnson over his response to the killing of Qassem Soleimani by the United States. In what amounted to the strongest official British backing of U.S. policy in Iran yet, Johnson said the erstwhile Quds force commander “had the blood of British troops on his hands”, having coordinated bomb attacks on UK forces.

Prime Minister Johnson also hit out at Jeremy Corbyn for his attitude towards Iran, likening his theories about Britain’s relationship with the U.S. to “little green men” conspiracy theories and reminding the chamber that Mr Corbyn had taken thousands of pounds from the Iranian government in return for appearances for their state-funded Press TV propaganda network. more here

8 Comments on UK: Boris Johnson Goads hard-Left Corbyn Over Taking Cash From Iran

  1. How about Trumpoline?

    It is almost as effective as water on a witch. Truth will repulse true politicians every time. What Little currency their had when entering office is all used up by now.

  2. How about Trumpoline?

    It is almost as effective as water on a witch. Truth will repulse true politicians every time. What Little currency their had when entering office is all used up by now.

  3. ^^^ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Was this before OR after the POTUS speech this morning?

    This POTUS GOADING the previous POS in Chief was off the charts brilliant.

    ‘Your Swamp hood money did this’. Basically accusing the Choomer in Chief of a direct connection.

    I am thinking, because of what the POTUS said as his intro, that the next action will be the removal of above grounds nuke facilities and hopefully the underground ones soon.


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