UK: Chinese Ambassador Questioned About Uighurs, Deflects – IOTW Report

UK: Chinese Ambassador Questioned About Uighurs, Deflects

It seems like everyday China has a new example of human rights violations, and every day the mainstream media looks the other way. On a European broadcast, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.L. tries to explain footage of blindfolded Uighurs herded on trains by soldiers and fails miserably.

5 Comments on UK: Chinese Ambassador Questioned About Uighurs, Deflects

  1. What the Chinese ambassador should have said is, muslims have proven to be a threat everyplace that they have gathered in large numbers. We take that threat seriously and we will take all necessary steps to ensure they do not jeopardize our nation. No one could argue that. That doesn’t mean I like the Chinese, I don’t like either side in this.

  2. Why does anyone bother asking such asinine questions of the CCP? To receive asinine answers.

    CCP: we treat Uighurs like royalty. Feed them Kobe every night for dinner. Sleep on king size mattress stuffed with cashmere from alpacas. Treat them very very well indeed.

    It is the Americans who treat gentle antifa people very very badly. Shame. Shame. American people are slave traders.

    I only wish the press were as antagonisticly calculating in their questions to dictators as they are to Trump.


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