UK cops, media go soft on “Hackney lads” in brutal attack at gay club – IOTW Report

UK cops, media go soft on “Hackney lads” in brutal attack at gay club

The Rebel: On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I talked about a violent crime that took place outside a gay bar in London, England, in a neighbourhood called Hackney and how, curiously, early reports said Scotland Yard were not treating the incident as a homophobic attack.


A gang of Turkish Muslim men went to the club in the wee hours of the morning, and as some gay men emerged, this gang jumped them, beat them, and then, when they were down, sprayed the gay men in the face and eyes with acid.


9 Comments on UK cops, media go soft on “Hackney lads” in brutal attack at gay club

  1. Great Britain no longer exists. It’s now just a growing colony of various Mohammedan nations. Write it off, the people either aren’t armed enough or brave enough to manage a revolt to put things right.

  2. As I think more about it all, from Swedish politicians to Scotland Yard to the US FBI, none of which are behaving like people with commonsense vis a vis Muslims: *someone* must be paying for all the global Muslim love of terror, hate, unreasonable demands, homophobia, Islamic teachings in public schools — and violent rape.

    This many people don’t go *that* crazy the world over unless money — lots of money — is involved. …..Lady in Red

  3. It is OK for Muslims to kill gays. It is also OK to have sex with animals, although,the sheep or goat must be killed afterwards because it is now tainted, and the meat cannot be eaten by the people in that particular village though it can be sold to a neighboring village.

    Why isn’t PETA or #MeToo all over this. I highly doubt it’s consensual.

  4. Sorry my brain has gone off on a tangent.
    Is it only female goats?
    Are there goat pimps, does the whole village get in, before it’s killed?
    If it’s a male male goat, doesn’t that make them a homosexual goat fker?
    Wouldn’t you be suspicious if you were offered a goat? Why did it die, well we fked it to death.
    Wouldn’t it taint the meat, like a deer with to much adrenaline.
    Is it only after they run out of 8 year old girls?


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