UK: Embattled PM Sunak Wants To PAY Failed Asylum Seekers To Move to Rwanda Voluntarily – IOTW Report

UK: Embattled PM Sunak Wants To PAY Failed Asylum Seekers To Move to Rwanda Voluntarily

Sunak’s government wants to pay asylum seekers up to 3,000 pounds ($3,836) each to move to Rwanda voluntarily.

8 Comments on UK: Embattled PM Sunak Wants To PAY Failed Asylum Seekers To Move to Rwanda Voluntarily

  1. It is funny how imbeciles seem to think every one else is the imbecile.

    I guarantee that the “asylum seekers” (cough, cough. Horseshit! cough.) can do basic rassissis math and figure out that they have a sweet deal in merry ole England.

    Sober up Sunak…

  2. In a more sobering thought, the so called conservative party (not even close) in England better wake up because their failures will result in the Labour party taking over.

    Imagine what those Fruit Loops would be like in comparison to an already PUSSIFIED Nation.

  3. “Hopefully that is what Trump intends on doing (and actually does).” -MrLiberty

    I’ll wager he’d like to but Congress would never let him. He’d have to go all Civil War Lincoln on them and the country.

    Hmmmm. Not a bad idea.

  4. There is no likelihood the blacks will return to THE PLACE THAT THEY MADE. It is too pitifully bad versus being in A PLACE THEY HAD NO HAND IN MAKING. Snap the fuck out of it, whitey, before they drown us in their shit. Comparatives be damned, lowest common denominator ALWAYS WINS. Shape up, raise the denominator!

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