UK, Fed Up With Biden’s Incompetence, Leaks Memo To Show Joe Flat Out Lied – IOTW Report

UK, Fed Up With Biden’s Incompetence, Leaks Memo To Show Joe Flat Out Lied

NewsThud: Officials in the UK care little about the Democrat agenda in Washington nor do they have any vested interest in propping up Joe Biden.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson isn’t worried about Biden’s approval ratings, he’s doing everything in his power to get his people and contractors out of the country. Johnson is livid Biden would not take his calls after chaos erupted in Afghanistan and now they are letting the cat out of the bag.

Biden has lied not just to the American people but also to our allies.

From Bloomberg:

Biden promised U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other leaders at the Group of Seven summit in Cornwall, England, that “critical U.S. enablers” would remain in place to keep Kabul safe following the drawdown of NATO forces, the note said. British officials determined the U.S. would provide enough personnel to ensure that the U.K. embassy in Kabul could continue operating.

Members of the European Union expressed concern and warned US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken about troop withdrawals before the countries could get out their people: more

25 Comments on UK, Fed Up With Biden’s Incompetence, Leaks Memo To Show Joe Flat Out Lied

  1. “What happened to the 1/6 Commission hearings?”
    All just noise while they bankrupt the economy. They have to have something STUPID to occupy the top of the FAKE news cycle.
    All part of the plan.

  2. The left kept saying the USA was disrespected around the world with Trump as president.

    We only saw approval and support, except from our enemies. They just cooled their jets because of Trump.

    Biden? We have proof he’s a fool and dangerous to the U.S. and the world at large.

  3. Anyone you still know who still supports the Biden administration is either dangerously stupid or dangerously evil. Never trust them. These are people who would literally support your murder if some asshole democrats elite told them to do so.

  4. The Biden administration is completely isolating the United States. President Trump wasn’t the isolationist the Left pretended he was. Under his watch world peace and prosperity were gaining ground the world over and the United States was a true leader of the free world. Hardly the isolationist the Left pretended he was. But the Biden administration is actually isolating us from the rest of what is left of the free world. It has become dangerous to them to take our government’s word. This is real isolationism.

  5. Boris Johnson & the rest of the G7 could plainly see the slope of dementia that Biden is on. They had to see it, because you sure couldn’t miss it. He shuffled around like an old man who didn’t even know his own name. Now they are pissed because it took donkey’s years for the old fuck to pick up the phone & call them? Not buying it, they ALL knew this kind of thing was going to happen. It just happened at the worst possible time.


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