UK: ‘Filthy’ White Girls to Blame for Their Abuse, Says Wife of Muslim Groomer – IOTW Report

UK: ‘Filthy’ White Girls to Blame for Their Abuse, Says Wife of Muslim Groomer

Breitbart London: The wives of convicted Muslim rape gang groomers have said that the young white girls targeted by their husbands are “filthy” and to blame for their own abuse.

Suju, the wife of a jailed groomer, explained that she was afraid of her husband, but said of his white victims: “Filthy. How they dress. They have no shame, no fear of Allah.”

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, she was asked if it was ever okay to hurt young girls. She said: “No. You can’t hurt people. Allah does not want that.”

However, she then added: “But it is the girls who should be careful. They did something to him, maybe bad magic. I am now alone, no money, no life.”


10 Comments on UK: ‘Filthy’ White Girls to Blame for Their Abuse, Says Wife of Muslim Groomer

  1. Misses Muzzy Groomer should thank her lucky stars that there is not a vigilantly group hunting down and taking out every single person who had anything to do with this rape ring. I’m talking about every LEO who did nothing, every social worker who did nothing and every spouse that did nothing or worse complains that her rapist husband is now in prison.

  2. If her husband is destroying the lives of ‘white girls’, he’s leaving her alone.

    Now she has no money? Huh. She lives in socialist England. Ask and you shall receive and receive and receive. They should deport her.

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