UK: Followers of The Religion of Peace™ trash muslim family for celebrating Christmas – IOTW Report

UK: Followers of The Religion of Peace™ trash muslim family for celebrating Christmas

Jihad Watch:

“As a Muslim we should not celebrate or even congratulate other religions in their celebrates that’s all.”

The popular Muslim preacher Zakir Naik explains this line of thought here.

How likely is it that the Muslims who bombarded Mo Salah with hate messages will become loyal members of British society?

“Liverpool star Mo Salah bombarded with hate-filled replies after posting family Christmas message,” RT, December 25, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Liverpool and Egypt forward Mohamed Salah has been subjected to online anger from fans unhappy that the Muslim star shared a Christmas message with his family.

Salah, 28, posted images to his social media following of more than 50 million featuring himself and his family dressed in festive attire sitting in front of a Christmas tree, adding two emojis and the hashtag #MerryChristmas.


18 Comments on UK: Followers of The Religion of Peace™ trash muslim family for celebrating Christmas

  1. Thank you, RogerF. It seemed to me the tacit message in anonmymous’s comment was that other religions don’t take their religions seriously.

    The radicalized part of Islam is a cult. It could be argued, according to their own doctrine and traditions, that all of Islam is a cult.

  2. @Abigail – I do think that other religions do take their faith seriously, but most of them are not willing to give their lives for the. I am.
    Go ahead muzzies, break into my house. You better have weapons and be better at shooting than me.

  3. @Gladys – I partially agree with you. Having a number of relatives in the military, I know they do not want to kill; others, but are willing to do so because they know that the “Religion of Peace” does not follow the Christian principles.
    I constantly thank them, and give up my better seats to those that are in the military.

  4. @Gladys – even though I cannot do the martial arts as well as I used to (I am older), I will defend myself and my family. For those who want to test me, go for it. You may win, but I will not “go quietly into that good night”

  5. BTW, even though most martial arts have rules, if you come at me, there are no rules. You had better be willing to throw out the playbook because I will not play by any rules. Eyes, ears, testicles, it doesn’t matter. I will fight to win

  6. @ Roger Failor DECEMBER 27, 2020 AT 4:35 PM

    “You may win, but I will not “go quietly into that good night””

    My cousin had a reputation as the toughest son of a bitch between Helena and the Canadian border. I had a reputation as a BAMF you don’t want to fuck with. Neither of us were particularly big and we surely fought stronger guys, but what we both had in common was that win, lose or draw we would go again and you would never want another piece of either of us.

    Once it was game on the Good Lord did not give me teeth to not let me use them in a fight. If I got hold of your hair the only way you were going to get loose is if I ripped it out of your scalp.

    I never fought unless provoked or some Goddamn friend or girlfriend started some shit in a bar because they figured I would jump into it. Same bastards that claim to not like fighting. I haven’t been involved in a real Donnybrook since my 20s, but still have the same attitude.

    When I was in grade school and junior high I got in trouble a couple times because bigger kids picked a fight with me and I brought my bullwhip to school and taught them a lesson in proper etiquette. My buddy still brings that up from time to time. He always asks: What kind of parent would let their kid take a bullwhip to school. My mom didn’t know I was going to take it to school until she got a call from the principal summoning her. They would both agree that he could take it away, I would just buy another one from the convicts at Deer Lodge the next time I was in Montana. They were damn nice, hand plaited, latigo and a lesson learned at the business end of a good bullwhip is a lesson not soon forgotten.

    I ask him if he had ever seen me bullwhip a single person who didn’t have a bullwhippin coming and he said he doesn’t remember me doing so, but does remember a few who definitely needed bullwhippin.


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