UK Government Sets ‘Calorie Cap’ for Pizzas, Burgers, Soup – IOTW Report

UK Government Sets ‘Calorie Cap’ for Pizzas, Burgers, Soup

Breitbart Europe: Restaurants and supermarkets have been told to shrink pizzas or remove toppings under “drastic” new government plans to calorie cap thousands of foods sold in the UK.

Draft guidelines unveiled by Public Health England (PHE) would see recommended calorie limits set for regularly consumed items including sandwiches, cooking sauces, pies, soups, and processed meats, the Daily Telegraph reports.

While the limits would not be mandatory under current plans, which are part of a package aimed at reducing childhood obesity, the government has warned it would likely legislate if businesses failed to fall into line, with public health minister Steve Brine declaring the state was “willing to do whatever it takes to keep children healthy and well in this country”.

The majority of pizzas and pies available at popular chain restaurants in Britain currently would fall foul of the 928 calorie and 695 calorie limits outlined, respectively, in the guidelines, according to The Times, which named Sizzling Pubs’ Lentil and Parsnip Cottage Pie as a dish that would make the (calorie) cut demanded by the government.

Some ministers including the chief secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, have voiced opposition to the interventionist, anti-free market drive to change the public’s eating habits by the so-called Conservative Party, which recently brought in an unpopular “sugar tax” — the likes of which, researchers point out, penalise the poor and have never reduced obesity anywhere.  more here

17 Comments on UK Government Sets ‘Calorie Cap’ for Pizzas, Burgers, Soup

  1. Every single govt executive, legislator, bureaucrat, enforcer, or other busybody functionary who votes for, implements, or enforces this ridiculous gross overreach should be video recorded 24×7 to ensure that they obey their own dictates under penalty of one year imprisonment on bread and water.

  2. public health minister Steve Brine declaring the state was “willing to do whatever it takes to keep children healthy and well in this country”.

    Will he deport the grooming/rape gangs that prey on the children of the UK

  3. My contribution to controlling childhood obesity and raising grades at the same time:

    1. Grab the smart phones, computer tablets, computers, televisions and other electrical devices. Limit their use to one hour per day.

    2. Lock up the video games and limit their use to a couple of hours on weekends.

    3. Keep some interesting books to read readily available.

    4. Introduce your kids (and you) to the great outdoors.

    It works- not only for kids, but for adults. It worked for my kids, and it worked for me. For some reason, physical movement also leads to decreased calorie consumption, which leads to losing weight all without government intervention.

  4. I’ll pass on the lentil and parsnip cottage pie thank you. Sounds like baby puke that’s been pureed to me with pureed brussell sprouts. I worked in a mental institution for developmentally disabled people and pureed brussell sprouts was one of the cafeterias specialties, it looked and smelled like baby poop. Soon we’ll be eating tree bark and told to like it by these ninnies and killjoys, just like the Norks.

  5. british child rapists and sex traffickers (they run the the country) are telling the general public that british kids need to watch their calorie intake because they ‘want to keep the children well’.


  6. Government mostly consists of worthless pukes concocting absurd solutions to non existent problems in order to justify their jobs. That just what I see in my area. It sounds like government in formerly Great Britain is even more wonderful.

  7. They’re nuts.
    The 928 calorie limit is for an entire pizza, not a single slice. Most round pizzas have 8 slices. That would be 116 calories per slice. Wonder bread is 190 calories per slice. I had heard British cuisine was bland, but I can’t imagine what a pizza there will be like. The calorie content of a single slice of pizzeria cheese pizza ranges from 272 to 398 calories. That would make an average pie in the US between 2176 and 3184 calories.
    Next year, they will make everyone wear a Fitbit or similar, so they always know where you are, and also have to show it for activity history in order to get calorie credits. And with pizza cutters being declared assault weapons next month, the pizza itself is soon to disappear in the UK.

  8. To answer your question, Kermit, only if they get caught with illegal pizzas.

    Which makes me wonder: in the future Britain, will there be shootings and stabbings over pepperoni deals gone bad on the streets?

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