UK Govt Moves to Stop Knife Sales as Blade Crime Hits 7-Year High – IOTW Report

UK Govt Moves to Stop Knife Sales as Blade Crime Hits 7-Year High

Breitbart: Small businesses have warned against “knee-jerk” legislation as the latest government figures reveal knife crime at its highest level since 2010.

British courts dealt with more than 21,100 knife crime cases in the year to June, according to Ministry of Justice figures. The 36 percent of offences which resulted in a custodial sentence was the highest proportion on record.

“Custodial sentences are now at the highest level they have been,” said the ministry, in its latest report on knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics for England and Wales.

“In the year ending June 2018 over a third (36 percent or 7,649 offences) of all knife and offensive weapon offences resulted in immediate custody compared with just 6,212 offences or 23 percent in the year ending June 2009.”more

21 Comments on UK Govt Moves to Stop Knife Sales as Blade Crime Hits 7-Year High

  1. I’m eating steak right now along with mashed potatoes and gravy, if they ban knives how can I cut my steak. IDIOTS! Next they’ll try to ban forks because you can still jab some one with a fork and then spoons because they cause you to eat too much, and then finally teeth and then we’ll have to puree all our food (YUCK!) but food processors have sharp blades as well. Why don’t we just ban all liberal idiots and their dumbass ideas instead or quit paying attention to their idiotic ideas.

  2. “If you don’t eat yer meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat?”

    “I can eat my meat, I just can’t cut it anymore!!”


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