UK Govt Study Finds Pakistani Women In Britain Are ‘Shockingly Badly Integrated’ – IOTW Report

UK Govt Study Finds Pakistani Women In Britain Are ‘Shockingly Badly Integrated’


Pakistani women in the UK are “living in an entirely different society,” based on the study’s findings.

The “disparity audit” conducted by the Cabinet Office will be published on October 10th. The research, which was intended to examine contrasting experiences of different ethnic groups in the country, could deal a significant blow to mass immigration policies and state-sponsored multiculturalism.

The Sunday Times reports a source close to the cabinet office described the findings as “shocking.”

“Other communities have integrated very well but the audit shows that Pakistani women who don’t speak English or go out to work are living in an entirely different society and are shockingly badly integrated,” the source said.

Some Muslim women in Britain depend entirely on their husbands, an issue which has resulted in controversial legal decisions in the country.

Such was the case when Koran teacher Suleman Maknojioa was spared prison after he was convicted of molesting an 11-year-old pupil five times.


8 Comments on UK Govt Study Finds Pakistani Women In Britain Are ‘Shockingly Badly Integrated’

  1. These credentialed rocket surgeons, fluent in English, the language of science, both spoken and written – who just happened to accidentally have vaginas – paid tens of thousands of pounds before being allowed to move in. And then decided to have brain rocketry to remove their ability to speak English. And work modern machinery. Or birth control. So they could marry some chav who couldn’t make enough money for them back in the homeland.

    Like my credentialed rocket surgeon professional betters, I, too, am shocked!

  2. Why is anyone astonished that the low end varmits the Labour Party imported to guarantee their reelection are not bothering to assimilate into a society they hate? I watched this happening during decades of traveling to the U.K., and most of the good people I discussed it with were very angry about the invasion of their country by the dregs of their former colonies. It’s a relatively small country, and the changes are very apparent in the bigger cities. Hundreds of years of civilization and greatness flushed down the Sir Thomas Crapper. The only thing that will set it right will involve Rivers of Blood.

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