UK Healthcare Waiting List Breaks Record – IOTW Report

UK Healthcare Waiting List Breaks Record

National Pulse: More than 7.6 million people in the United Kingdom – around 12 percent of the total population – are waiting to receive routine hospital treatment from the country’s socialized healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS), representing the highest figure since records began in 2007 and increasing by another 100,000 since May.

Just under 400,000 people have been on the NHS waiting list for more than a year, around 7,000 people have been waiting for treatment for over 18 months, and more than 20,000 have waited longer than two months (62 days) for urgent cancer screenings, according to data released by NHS England. more

11 Comments on UK Healthcare Waiting List Breaks Record

  1. what, pray tell, is an “urgent cancer screenings”? Just anything not a routine screening? Or in typical British understatement any detection dor things not actively killing the patient?

    Socalism only shares misery.

  2. One example of an urgent cancer screening … A sudden case of urinary blockage in a middle aged man, with no advance warning

    One of the only explanations for that is that a highly aggressive cancer has developed in the prostate, which means the prostate must be excised quickly. Any unreasonable delay will allow the cancer to escape the prostate into a nearby lymph node

    Now this is very rare, but it happens .. happened to someone I know

  3. At snowbird digs south of Tucson, I was listening to all the Canadians playing I-can-top-that with stories about where to find the best medical care in the states. Turns out there are companies all over our northern border who specialize in contracting for medical care, catering to Canadians who will pay for care not available in Canada. About 3 beers later they were all bragging about the wonders of Canada’s socialized medicine. Called them on it. The place went silent for at least a minute.

  4. This is nothing new. Forty years ago, I had a friend from England who walked with a limp. He had to emigrate to America to get surgery that cured his limp. The UK medical system told him: limps don’t mean you can’t walk. Surgery denied.

  5. Ahh utopia. Laws, laws, we’s reached the promised land. In US those of us who pay for insurance seem to be one to three months out on things. Traumas seem to be dealt with pretty quickly and competently. Everything else, gonna wait. On the bright side the welfare bums have to wait too…. Ehh… why a paying customer gotta wait on a welfare bum?


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