UK: Man converts to Islam, encourages jihad terrorism on Facebook – IOTW Report

UK: Man converts to Islam, encourages jihad terrorism on Facebook

Jihad Watch:

Did Facebook shut down his account? Or were Facebook employees too busy shutting down the accounts of foes of jihad terror?

Yet another convert to Islam gets the idea that his new religion commands him to commit treason and mass murder. Authorities remain resolutely uninterested in this recurring phenomenon. British police probably aren’t even bothering to try to determine from whom Mohammed Hamza Siddiq learned his understanding of Islam. They’ve probably waved away that question with the old chestnut, “He was radicalized on the Internet,” if they’ve been asked it at all.  more


3 Comments on UK: Man converts to Islam, encourages jihad terrorism on Facebook

  1. Converts are the worst in anything, whether it’s christians, moosians, gaysians or even ex-smokers. Seems like they only convert to serve as justification for being assholes in the 1st place.


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