UK: NHS Commercial Terrifies Children by Showing Santa Dying of COVID – IOTW Report

UK: NHS Commercial Terrifies Children by Showing Santa Dying of COVID

Summit News:

A television commercial for the NHS terrifies children by showing Santa Claus wheeled into hospital on the verge of dying from COVID.

Because frightening kids is definitely what the good guys do.

The advert “celebrates NHS staff and volunteers” by showing them nursing Father Christmas back to full health so he can deliver presents. more

8 Comments on UK: NHS Commercial Terrifies Children by Showing Santa Dying of COVID

  1. …so tired of this “heroic health care worker” crap.

    …it’s your JOB.

    …you TRAINED to do it.

    …you’re PAID to do it.

    …no one MAKES you do it.

    …and its EXPECTED BEHAVIOR that you try to save lives, just like we expect a plumber to give us hot water on tap or a mechanic to fix our cars.

    Whadya want, a cookie?


    …and you all KNOW better. You all KNOW how Universal Precautions work.

    And y’all KNEW the job came with infectious diseases.

    My entry-level Squad book had TWO FULL CHAPTERS on infectious diseases, and THAT was back in 19 dickety 4!

    I’m quite sure your Doctor and Nurse books have even MORE.

    You knew what you were getting into…

    …there were diseases BEFORE Coof that are MUCH more infectious and MUCH more deadly. Menngitis is not subtle. You’re not going to be able to ignore that tuberculosis for long. And MERS-Covid was around WAY before THIS bullshit was dreamed up.

    …and there will be diseases AFTER this one, too. Like the poor, diseases will be with you always.

    …so if you find diseases to be SO veddy scarry, here’s a pro tip:


    …I hear Taco Bell is hiring, at least for carryout…

    And we’ll be just FINE without your cowardly ass hiding behind layers of useless masks. Not EVERYONE is a chickenshit, even in today’s world, so go be a shrink or something you can do over the telephone.

    If you need a daily affirmation to be able to do your JOB…

    You’re in the WRONG JOB.

    Suck it up or drag it out.

    …I’m actually pretty sick of pansies holding the caduceus out in FRONT of them to ward patients AWAY, you craven sacks of self-aggrandizing useless mask hole candy asses…

    …I seek problems OUT. I did THEN. I do NOW. I don’t hide from blood and breath. I’m not stupid about it, but I don’t put on a grinding mask and look at a bloody head from six feet away. And its a VOULENTEER part of my job, no one MAKES me do it…

    …I’m not even PAID directly for it, and I don’t hide from people in need.

    …why do YOU?

    …milksop frigging pansies, you may be heroes to the PRESS, but you’re just attention whores to ME, go SAVE Santa, its your JOB, but shut the hell UP about it please…

  2. I’m throwing the ‘bullshit’ flag… My dad blew Santa away with a S&W .45 when I was a kid.
    I still remember like it happened last nite – BOOM BOOM! “Got that fat sumbitch!”


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