UK Parliament Passes Brexit Delay Bill, Move Set to Block No-Deal – IOTW Report

UK Parliament Passes Brexit Delay Bill, Move Set to Block No-Deal

Legal Insurrection: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to push for a no-deal Brexit suffered a setback today after the country’s parliament passed a bill to delay the Brexit beyond October 31. The motion was voted by 327 votes to 299, giving it a majority of 28 in the Lower House. The bill has now moved to the Upper House.

The Members of Parliament (MPs) opposed to no-deal Brexit are running against time. The bill will require approval of the Parliament’s Upper House, the House of Lords. If Lords pass any amendments, the bill will again return to the Lower House for a vote. The “pro-Brexit peers have tabled over 100 amendments to try and filibuster the motion and stop the bill going ahead,” BBC confirmed. To make matters even worse for the pro-EU lawmakers, Prime Minister Johnson has suspended the parliament for five weeks beginning next week. The parliament will reconvene on October 14, two weeks ahead of the October 31 deadline.

Prime Minister Johnson refused to resign in wake of today’s vote. He, however, reiterated the call for a snap election, a move opposed by the opposition Labour party. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn wants the no-deal option off the table before considering the prospect of facing the electorates. more here

6 Comments on UK Parliament Passes Brexit Delay Bill, Move Set to Block No-Deal

  1. can’t believe how out-of-touch the UK parliament is with the wishes of it’s people

    … oh, wait ….

    the US congress is exactly the same … ruling oligarchy’s are like that … Boris Johnson wants what the people want. Donald Trump wans what the people want … fuck the people peasants

    funny how human history repeats …. century after century

  2. Hey, fuck the people who voted us in. We’re in charge here. Oh, and let’s take their means of self defence away from them while we’re at it.

    What do you mean nobody helps when a police officer is getting the shit beat out of him (or her)?

  3. Deep State in GB too.

    What would the world look like if Trump hadnt won? I hate to think of it. Trump inspired all these other countries Brazil, GB, Australia hungary and more. We would be in a world of hurt or fast heading there.


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