UK Researchers: Tax Food to Reduce Climate Change – IOTW Report

UK Researchers: Tax Food to Reduce Climate Change

WUWT: This proposal, from a group of people who have probably never missed a meal in their lives, is totally obscene. High income countries often have a lot of poor people who would be hard hit by increases in the price of food.

Needlessly exacerbating the risk poor people don’t get enough to eat, especially children and pregnant mothers, who are especially vulnerable to adverse health impacts from lack of protein in their diet – if this ghastly proposal is ever implemented, future generations will look upon it as a crime against humanity.

8 Comments on UK Researchers: Tax Food to Reduce Climate Change

  1. How many different ways can these globalist come-up with to instigate civil and global wars? I believe Trump and Brexit are the awakening of the masses to the lies they have been fed. It’s going to go unpleasantly for them.

  2. They want to raise the prices of meat and dairy so high, no one will be able afford them…thus, the ranchers and dairy farmers go out of business.


  3. The “Elites” of the UK (just as in America, Canada, France, &c.) don’t give a flying fuck about the “poor” and couldn’t care less if they starved.

    In fact, they’d probably welcome it.

    izlamo delenda est …

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