Uk: Squirrels Dying From Leprosy – IOTW Report

Uk: Squirrels Dying From Leprosy

dbTechno: Red squirrels in the UK are having a pretty hard time at the moment.

red squirrel

Red squirrels which are native to Britain were already in trouble now need help with another threat: leprosy.

As reported to the Daily Mail, the disease results in swelling in the animal’s snout, feet and ears, as well as hair loss, and wildlife officials in the United Kingdom are launching a study to figure out how it is being transmitted.

The major problem for the ruddy creatures is that their historic turf has been overrun by grey squirrels introduced from the United States. There are just an estimated 140,000 red squirrels left in the U.K., compared to some 2.5 million grey squirrels, according to England’s forestry commission. – more

12 Comments on Uk: Squirrels Dying From Leprosy

  1. The major problem for the ruddy creatures is that their historic turf has been overrun by grey squirrels introduced from the United States.

    But by all means, let’s keep introducing muslims from the Middle East.

    Fucking idiots can’t see the forest for the trees…full of grey squirrels.

  2. Hey, we have plenty of red squirrels up here in northern Wisconsin, and they wreak havoc if they chew their way into a dwelling. They are most often met with a timely death. No sympathy here.

  3. SR, note how the article jumps from leprosy to invasive US squirrels, as if to give the impression the two are related, and give the Brits another reason to hate the Yanks instead of the muslim scum which fills their cities.

  4. Normally, I would suggest a solution along the lines of an open hunting season on gray squirrels, but considering that it’s the new nutless gunless UK. . . .. . good luck. Y’all made your own beds, now lay in it.

  5. Maybe it’s their habitat. For example, there are trees all over Illinois (and my property) that are suffering from EAB, Emerald Ash Borer.

    I bet the little red buggers simply don’t like the smell of fresh Mooselimbs. That’s not PC so the 2-bit crock pot full of 3-dollar scientists haven’t found the broken link in the chain.

    But 300,000,000 gazillion years from now a single fossil will be recovered and the mystery will be solved. Just like we know exactly how dinosaurs got killed and how we evolved from a single cell phytoplankton.

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