UK tests tracking citizens’ habits, rewarding them for good behavior – IOTW Report

UK tests tracking citizens’ habits, rewarding them for good behavior

Reclaim The Net: Edging closer towards a social credit style system, the UK is using the city of Wolverhampton to pilot a new app that will offer rewards to people who exercise and eat healthy. The idea is to motivate people to make healthier choices.

Participants of the pilot will be given a wrist device and an app that will provide personalized health recommendations like eating vegetables and walking more. Users will get points that they can cash-in for consumer rewards like food vouchers, theme park tickets, and movie theater discounts.

The scheme is part of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) effort to use technology to improve health and prevent conditions. MORE

12 Comments on UK tests tracking citizens’ habits, rewarding them for good behavior

  1. …you know who ELSE was big into public health?


    “Nazi views on public health developed within the context of German cultural traditions and medical science in the early 20th century. Many of the regime’s public health priorities—such as eugenics, group exercise, and warnings against alcohol and tobacco—were first popularized during the years of the Weimar Republic. For example, in the 1930 film, “Born out of Necessity,” young Germans are urged to fight the negative health effects of life in modern cities by exercising together and engaging in wholesome social activities instead of drinking and smoking. These themes were later reflected in public health policies after the Nazi rise to power in 1933.

    Nazi public health officials adopted many of these traditions and ideas, but the Nazi regime’s public health policies were concerned solely with promoting the health of so-called “Aryan” Germans. According to Nazi ideology, every member of the so-called “Volksgemeinschaft” (German racial community) was like a single cell in the larger national body. Each individual had a duty to stay healthy and strong so that the German nation could conquer other peoples and colonize their lands. These theories about individual health and national strength were influential throughout Europe and the United States in the early 20th century. However, Nazi Germany’s policies were much more extreme than those of any other nation.’

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    …His position was that you are damaging the property of the State if you don’t keep healthy, and so NOT following public health demands was tatamount to an attack on the State.

    …seems like the devil just keeps recycling the same old tricks, nicht wahr?

    …Almost like all totalitarians need to do to recycle the past is to make those in the present ignorant of it…for your safety, of course…

  2. “…wrist device and an app that will provide personalized…”
    what color are you going to get?
    betcha it will have pfizer ads on it too

    they’ll probably do it. they live under kings and queens and as serfs under lords. We don’t- that is the whole reason we aren’t them.
    And I’m happy about that.
    don’t wanna be them
    won’t be them

  3. Hey, not so fast in dishing on this idea…if you examine the possibilities, why not do this as it is tied to benefits such as tax rate reductions, elevated ESG score adjustments, a certificate proving that you are not a racist, membership in newly created clubs and LGBTQIA government paid travel resorts, an increase in allowed carbon use, availability of coveted non Mrna vaccines, police response time AP, no SWAT card, points reducing visit hours from Child Services, a list of approved churches ( Mosques not effected) , time added on to gasoline car use, access to expanded news that might be real and , if the device indicates that you vote Democrat for three years straight, a gun without ammo , until the fifth year approval.

  4. Was it worth a single American life to prevent Hitler from taking over all of Europe and the British Isles? The bastards freely and of their own free will have imposed the very same policies on themselves ever since.


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