UK: University blames foreign students for pooing in showers and dustbins – IOTW Report

UK: University blames foreign students for pooing in showers and dustbins


university has told its students to stop defecating in the showers and dustbins, blaming the problem on the “multi-cultural population”.

Students at the University of Strathclyde were warned over their inappropriate toilet habits, and told that that although “different countries have different practices”, they should be aware that “here in the UK the accepted practise is the use only the WC”.

The email, sent by the operations management team at the university’s Technology and Innovation Centre on Thursday, raised concerns following complaints from cleaners at the state-of-the-art facility.

“Given the incidence of people pooing in bins, showers and the likes – can I please remind all TIC [Technology and Innovation Centre] occupants that the toilets have been provided for that specific purpose,” students were told.   more here

h/t RWF

31 Comments on UK: University blames foreign students for pooing in showers and dustbins

  1. Gosh, the operations management team must be staffed by a bunch of bigots. Don’t they know that all cultures are equal, so there is no right or wrong way of doing things anymore?

  2. Been there. In Iraq, if you shared a port-a-John with Iraqi workers you would often be left disgusted, looking for another port-a-John wondering ” …how the HELL did they get shit on that…???”

  3. They forgot to mention not the sinks, porches, flower pots, the corner of the class rooms, in the closet… the list is endless. How can such primitive and backward people attend a university in the west with the ability to understand differential equations, or even just basic science?

    And then to apologize for the memo. Stupid

    Where do they poop in the old country?

  4. From the Shit Swastika at Mizzou to the shit-filled hallways of the EPA, we feel your pain, Britain. Although our feces problems are more likely domestic turderism than turd-worlders.

  5. I have three toilets in my command….I choose to only use two of those, (basement is optional)….sometimes I shower in a hurried fashion and towel off in a direction less recommended….

  6. In Africa, they employ a left handed “flick” which sends it flying away. This requires several repeats. All while squatting.

    In the big city slums like Nairobi, they do it in a scrap of torn plastic bag, then throw the whole mess away, airborne, as high and far as they can. The contents splatter everywhere, including the neighbor’s shack.

  7. Rufus T, in Paris they do it in Metro tunnels and roll the turds into the littlle gutters. Didn’t freak my kids out, though. They’ve been to San Francisco.

  8. In the ’60s the squatters adorned toilet seats with their footprints mainly in the STEM buildings of noted engineering schools, but at least they used the toilets.

  9. When I was in Boy Scouts we camped in Yellowstone and the older kids kept warning/teasing the younger kids about grizzly bears. Well one of the younger kids had to crap in the middle of the night and did so in the corner of the tent because he thought a bear was going to attack if he went outside. Though he was teased for doing that the older boys learned when enough was enough as well.
    Not sure this has anything to do with the topic.

  10. There is only disease, filth and decay in the Third World. England is no longer.

    It’s only chance is to remove the communists in power with massive violence. That would require a military coup.

  11. Let’s see what happens when all the colleges here start experiencing mega uber walls of shit overflowing in their bathrooms, and they all have to bow down to the diversity of the Others’ shitting habits.

  12. Remember “Tarzan “. The idea was Amazing ! To Take a White Man out of The Jungle, and Completely Transform Him.
    Now we think We can Take a Million Savages , with 60 IQ Out of Hell and just go about our Lives ?
    If they Don’t Live in the Desert, Their Asses will Fester with Disease !

  13. All it would take is for one black Muslim female (that’s a triple threat) to drop the kids off at the pool in a busy university hallway. The professors would be shouted down. They wouldn’t be able to even enter the U because of the stench and ‘shaming’. They’d lose their tenured jobs. Hey, that’s a Lose/Win!

  14. Look, all cultures are exceptional. All are equal. As per Barack Obama. But some cultures shit in the streets, in dustbins, even sinks. Others shit in Kohler or American Standard toilets. But we are all equally exceptional. Gimmeafookenbreakforfooksake!

  15. Nate has a point. What if foot baths nationwide suddenly started being defecated in?

    Who am I kidding. The authorities would instantly set up cameras monitoring all of them 24 hours a day.

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