UK: Young Mother Who Converted to Islam Murdered in Hammer Attack After Going Back to Western Lifestyle – IOTW Report

UK: Young Mother Who Converted to Islam Murdered in Hammer Attack After Going Back to Western Lifestyle

Geller Report:

Because it is, after all, the religion of peace.


By Virginia Hale, Breitbart, November 17, 2017:

A young mother who converted to Islam was brutally murdered by her husband, who barred her from seeing family and friends after she started wearing Western-style clothes again, a British court has heard.

Akshar Ali hit Sinead Wooding with a hammer and stabbed her repeatedly, before dumping in the woods and then torching the mother-of-four’s body, Prosecutor Nicholas Campbell QC told Leeds Crown Court.

Ms Wooding was in the process of converting to Islam and changed her name to Zakirah when she met Mr Ali, 27, who worked on a food stall at Leeds indoor market, according to the Times.

The pair were married at an Islamic ceremony in early 2015, but the jury heard their relationship was “volatile” and violent at times, with arguments over 26-year-old Wooding continued visits to family and friends her husband had “forbidden” her from seeing.

Mr Campbell said Ms Wooding had started wearing Western clothing days before she was killed on May 11 at a party held at the house of her husband’s friend Yasmin Ahmed, who along with Mr Ali, denies murder.  read more

12 Comments on UK: Young Mother Who Converted to Islam Murdered in Hammer Attack After Going Back to Western Lifestyle

  1. The stupid shall be punished.

    Really? There were no signs that converting and subjugation to a 12th century savage might be a problem

    I’m sorry but this is registering low on my pity meter. Hate to be an asshole BUT …. I’m

  2. In 1945 the British Empire ruled 25% of the Earth’s total population, and close to that in land mass.
    From that to English girls corpses defiled by “food stall workers” in a single lifespan.

    Her governnent made this death possible. The Leftist genocide continues.

    If the West is to survive the Left must be eradicated.

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