Ukraine Can Endorse, Uphold Democracy by Holding Elections – IOTW Report

Ukraine Can Endorse, Uphold Democracy by Holding Elections


Formally, Zelenskyy’s term as president ended on May 20. However, since then, no elections have been called. This is not entirely arbitrary — since the country has been under martial law since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

With the end of Zelenskyy’s allotted five years in office, controversy has arisen over whether Ukrainian law prohibits new elections under current martial law, or whether it mandates new elections. more

7 Comments on Ukraine Can Endorse, Uphold Democracy by Holding Elections

  1. SNS – Screw Ukrane. I like that as a chant:
    Screw U Krain!
    Screw U Krain!
    Screw U Krain!

    And again, how could all that money we’ve sent to them (and our worthless democRAT Federal Tit-Sucking Parasites) benefit out Vets and the truley needy!

  2. “Thus, influential Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., urged the Ukrainian government to conduct elections, despite the war, to underscore its commitment to democratic values, declaring: “Holding democratic elections during wartime would be seen as a bold and consequential decision … [that] speaks to [a] vision of a free and democratic Ukraine both today and in the years to come.””

    Why doesn’t Graham urge the US to hold free and fair elections?
    Graham must be aware that Biden is a Usurper (though he’s making bank on it).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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