Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections – IOTW Report

Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections

The Zelensky-led government has transformed the country into a totalitarian dictatorship, as there is no semblance of a liberal democracy left in Ukraine.

19 Comments on Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections

  1. “(parliament) only agreed that elections should take place no sooner than six months after the end of the war with Russia.”
    So the war will never end, because it would trigger an election.

  2. Left Coast Dan
    SATURDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:07 AT 10:07 AM
    ‘“(parliament) only agreed that elections should take place no sooner than six months after the end of the war with Russia.”
    So the war will never end, because it would trigger an election.’

    The war will end when we take Kiev.


  3. They are going to pull the same shit here. People are not going to take two weeks to flatten the curve again. It is the only way for Obama to stay in power.

    But I don’t think the Ukrainians have more guns than people, and the people against guns here don’t have them.

    If they force this to go hot, it will get ugly fast, but the worthy military are on our side. The guys in fatigues wearing lipstick aren’t a problem.

    I like the new phrase I have been hearing, “Fuck around, find out”. I guess we’ll have to see what happens. And if 10 or 15 million third world illegals either decide to leave, or become fertilizer in the process, even the better.

    Sorrey, I guess I am in a bad mood this morning.

  4. Russia and Ukraine had a peace deal early 2022. This administration, through NATO, killed the deal. NATO is as corrupt as this administration.
    “The decision to scuttle the deal coincided with Johnson’s April visit to Kyiv, during which he reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to break off talks with Russia for two key reasons: Putin cannot be negotiated with, and the West isn’t ready for the war to end.”

  5. The leftist heart’s desire. I’m stipulating here, that the obscene rotting feculence at the center of each leftist could be a simulacrum of a heart.

    Our government is a much deeper disgrace to we the people than any penny ante Ukrainian corruptocracy ever might be. Our government had the history of and ability to correct itself to some degree and deliberately chose the opposite path, marrying scumbag leftist ideology to an attempt at permanent political tyranny in pursuit of total control of all facets of human existence.

    And this attempt, pulled off by the most thoroughly mediocre and dim class of underperforming virtue signaling midwits ever assembled in one location in history, stumbles and fumbles along in absolutely graceless buffoonery toward its inexorable, ignominious end.

    FJB and all the half assets in power.

  6. During WW2, you know who didn’t cancel elections? The United States and Great Britain. You know who did? Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist Soviet Union. So what are we supporting in Ukraine? Fascists or Communists? Tyrants are tyrants. Their values are not ours. Ukraine is such a corrupt sh*t-hole that we should let matters play out.

    Most people don’t know that both World Wars were fought because Germany wanted to contain Russia and her pan-European empire goals. Neither of them ended well for anyone. The Western Euros need to stand up or face their fate: The United States of America can do business with whoever is left standing.


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