Ukraine Did Not Know US Had Suspended Foreign Aid Until 1 Month After Trump’s Call – IOTW Report

Ukraine Did Not Know US Had Suspended Foreign Aid Until 1 Month After Trump’s Call

Whistleblower Report Continues to fall apart – Thanks to the NYT.

5 Comments on Ukraine Did Not Know US Had Suspended Foreign Aid Until 1 Month After Trump’s Call

  1. Doesn’t matter. They threw the story out there and it stuck. I’ve been arguing with people for days about this. Until I show them the information that’s being hidden by the media they believe everything they’ve heard on the news. I’m slowly getting friends to understand how this is all shaping up but I’d have better luck waiting for my bald spot to sprout hair.

  2. What I want to know is how much foreign under-the-table money is funding this effort by the DRATz! When trying to get to the bottom of anything, follow the money!
    Go ahead, tell me this nation’s enemies aren’t trying to defeat us from within!
    Go ahead, tell me the Chicoms don’t want to damage President Trump!
    They are and they do and they’re doing it thru the Complicit Media and their flying monkeys known as democRATs!

  3. Curious. . .

    Why was Evelyn Farkas involved in this?

    You know, remember her, the one that spilled oops juice on mourning joes shows. She claimed today, yes today, that she was actively involved in searching for why the money was held up that was going to Ukraine. But she is a civilian. Why is she meddling in foreign monies and government subsidies and diplomatic relationships? She was a former state dept employee. Oops, she did another msNBC oops interview today.

    Is she a registered lobbyist? A FARA agent?

    Who are YOU Evelyn Farkas and why does your name and mika and msNBC appear together over and over and over again.

    Makes ya go Hmmmm. . .

  4. Didn’t Trump hold the aid to get other countries to help plus make sure money wasn’t going to flow to a corrupt government? Something that President Mom Jeans and Quid Pro Joe would never do.


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