Ukraine “foreign aid” bills are taxpayer-funded stimulus packages for the parasites of the D.C. Beltway – IOTW Report

Ukraine “foreign aid” bills are taxpayer-funded stimulus packages for the parasites of the D.C. Beltway

The Dossier: The United States Congress has already allocated hundreds of billions of dollars to the losing war effort in Ukraine, and the vast majority of the money (other than the dollars that serve to bribe Ukrainian officials and keep them onside with the West) is spent in the United States.

At first glance, it seems like a good thing. And it might even be preferable to sending that military “foreign aid” money overseas to some sketchy Ukrainian tank commander with, uh, historically controversial tattoos, named Anatoliy. more here

6 Comments on Ukraine “foreign aid” bills are taxpayer-funded stimulus packages for the parasites of the D.C. Beltway

  1. Could not agree more!
    Which is why “Bush Republican” leeches are, and have been for decades, fighting for it!
    Naming only a few degenerate “Bush Republicans”: K. Buck, M. mcConnell, J. June. Blood sucking parasites all!

  2. Maybe spend just a wee bit more on actual veterans benefits and services and if you are going to forgive “student debt” start a national service program that includes the mechanisms to do that instead of welfaring it.

  3. As the President and CEO of of the Wyatt Warmonger Weapon Company, Ltd., I think some of this sweet cash should be thrown my way. I’m sure that for the low, low price of $114,999.95 per unit, I can find plenty of 9mm pistols to send to Ukraine. For each order over $1mm, I’ll even throw in a set of militrary grade tactical steak knives or a coupon for a case of MREs.


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