Ukraine ‘invasion’ not new: Russia has had troops in Donbas for 8 years, U.S. official admits – IOTW Report

Ukraine ‘invasion’ not new: Russia has had troops in Donbas for 8 years, U.S. official admits

Just The News: Amid charges from U.S. and foreign officials that Russia now has invaded eastern sectors of Ukraine, a senior administration official confirmed that Moscow has maintained forces inside the region for nearly a decade.

“Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step,” the official said. “Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the past eight years.”

The official made the comments during a background briefing with reporters on Monday, and spoke on the condition of anonymity. 

The comments seem to contradict official White House declarations that by sending in troops to the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an incursion against its western neighbor.

“This is the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” President Joe Biden said on Tuesday from the White House. more

22 Comments on Ukraine ‘invasion’ not new: Russia has had troops in Donbas for 8 years, U.S. official admits

  1. ” I was told that this road is in summertime excellent, but that it had not yet been put in order after the winter snows. In this respect it is different from the general run of roads in the Carpathians, for it is an old tradition that they are not to be kept in too good order. Of old the Hospadars would not repair them, lest the Turk should think that they were preparing to bring in foreign troops, and so hasten the war which was always really at loading point.”

    Bram Stoker, Dracula



  3. The US has shipped billions in weapons systems to Ukraine as well as conducted war games in Ukraine with US troops. Imagine if Russia had done the same across the Mexican border. Even our shithead leaders would have the common fucking sense to amass troops on our Southern border for a change.

    And the “invasion” story is a total lie. When asked for a simple yes/no about Russian troops in Ukraine today, the Pentagon spox just stammered and hedged. Of course he did because Russia has no fucking troops in Ukraine at the moment. They have them at their border. After all, it’s their own fucking country. They can put their troops wherever the fuck they want in their own country.

    Our leaders are fucking idiots. And they’re getting more preposterous by the day.

  4. Ukraine has been using artillery against these regions in southern Ukraine since the Obumer admin. There has been a civil war there since at least 2014. Ukraine has been committing genocide against its own people. Do not believe the current news reports, they are all lies.

  5. As I sarcastically commented on Monday morning:

    “We keep hearing about Russian forces which were suddenly and menacingly massed on the Ukraine border, but who is telling us this? The same IC which spent four years lying about Trump. It would not surprise me to find out that whatever Russian forces are on, or in the vicinity of, the Ukraine border have been there for years.”

    These fools never fail to live down to my cynical expectations.

  6. Biden publicly promised Putin the Donbas, and possibly Moldova and Odessa, when be brain-farted in a press conference awhile back and revealed his administration’s secret strategy — something he has done habitually since at least his VP days.

    The whole thing is a setup. Russia has had forces in the Donbas since 2014. Putin likely assumed (was promised) he could annex the territory during Hillary’s first term, but then — oops — he had to wait for Trump to leave.

    This has been scheduled for a long time. It is military campaign season there. He cannot wait until the countryside turns to mud, if he hopes to pull this off this year. Otherwise, he risks losing a compliant US Congress after the mid-terms.

    I don’t know that he wanted to invade Ukraine as a whole — at least not this year. If his rhetoric and plans have shifted, it is likely in response to Biden’s taunting him into a full scale invasion. He is really left with no alternative now but to take Ukraine. Not doing it would be a sign of weakness to his followers and his enemies. That is why the Ukrainians have been begging and pleading for Biden to STFU.

    Ukraine is not a cohesive nation. It was designed that way. There are rusophiles living throughout the country, as well as ethnic Russians. The only marketable resources in the country are where the population is majority Russian. Take those regions away and Ukraine has little to sustain a strong, competitive economy.

    Nord2 was the destabilizer. As long as Russia’s gas and oil had to pass through Ukraine, Russia was obligated to provide gas and oil to Ukraine at market prices. This bolstered manufacturing and reduced reliance on resource extraction. Take away the Donbas and the pipeline and Ukraine cannot exist without returning to Mother Russia.

    While there certainly are stupid people around the Stupidity in Chief, the handlers that count are very intelligent. The dominance of China and the restoration of the Soviet Union/Russian Empire have been priorities in the progressives’ destruction of the West. This was planned, and if they can use it for some dog-wagging, all the better.

    Sanctions are unlikely to have any significant effect. Putin has a ready market for his energy exports in China. He sold 100 million tons of (probably Donbas) coal to them just last week. Germany must have natural gas in order to keep their economy from collapsing. They won’t, they can’t, hold out for more than a few weeks.

    Biden and the West are determined to sacrifice themselves on the altar of climate hysteria. The quick and simple solution to this is to unleash our coal, gas and oil production — not just in the US but globally. It may not save Ukraine, but it could save the Baltic states, Finland and the former Soviet Bloc. It could also lead to the collapse of Putin’s reign, though there is no guarantee that it would free Russia. They do like their tyrants. It won’t happen, of course, because it isn’t in the script. It will be the Great Reset or death … but I repeat myself.

    The wildcard in all this is whether Ukraine destroyed all their nuclear weapons stockpile, or if they held back enough to destroy a few Russian cities — just in case.

    All this because, orange man bad. Thanks, Republican Party — especially Bro. Mitt, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.

  7. @ TheMule FEBRUARY 23, 2022 AT 9:43 PM

    “After all, it’s their own fucking country. They can put their troops wherever the fuck they want in their own country.”

    100% agreement from me and instead of having our soldiers getting blown apart by suicide bombers in the ME and being human shields for parasitic Europeans they should be controlling our southern border!

  8. It’s distraction from the destruction the puppet masters are committing here.
    Stock market has been falling like crazy. Our investments have lost around 10% in the past 2 weeks.
    Gas in our area is at almost $3.60.
    Same with heating oil.
    Groceries are way more expensive when you can find what you want.
    Apartments and houses are ridiculously unaffordable.
    Our electric bill has literally doubled.

    So what do they do?

  9. @Anonymous February 24, 2022 at 12:06 am

    > Good to know there’s a bunch of commie lovin perverts here. Putin loves your support, comrades.

    You do realize Russia is not The Soviet Union? Don’t you? Hasn’t been The Soviet Union since before Saint Ronny was sainted? You understand that? Correct?

    And… and… that The United States saved The Soviet Union from being destroyed by nazty Nazis? A few years before that? Saved. Not tolerated The Soviet Union’s self survival, as a cost of colonizing the nazty Nazis’ homeland. But spent American’s blood and treasure, to be sure the light of The Soviet Union’s international Bolshevism would not be extinguished. You do get that? Don’t you?


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