Ukraine losing large number of troops as it boasts about Russian casualties – IOTW Report

Ukraine losing large number of troops as it boasts about Russian casualties


While Ukraine has been boasting about taking out massive numbers of Russian soldiers — including a record day for casualties last week — Kyiv has also been losing a staggering number of its own troops.

Western intelligence sources estimate that each side has suffered approximately 150,000 casualties since Russia launched its invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, Agence France-Presse reported.

Norway’s defense chief Gen. Eirik Kristoffersen said last month on Norwegian TV that the most recent intelligence suggests that Ukraine has lost 100,000 troops and 30,000 civilians in the course of the war.

Meanwhile, Kristoffersen said Russia had 180,000 soldiers who were either wounded, killed or missing.

More recently, US officials said Russian casualties are fast approaching 200,000, according to reporting from the New York Times, citing American and other Western officials.

Both Kyiv and Moscow regularly make claims about the total number of enemy casualties, though these figures are often seen as unreliable by foreign intelligence.

On Monday, a Ukrainian official claimed that over 5,000 Russian soldiers were killed when the 155th naval infantry troops stormed the coal-mining town of Vuhledar in late January.

During that blitz, Ukraine claimed soldiers killed the brigade’s command staff and wrecked 130 pieces of equipment, including 36 tanks. MORE HERE

10 Comments on Ukraine losing large number of troops as it boasts about Russian casualties

  1. I trust Col Douglas Macgregor who has repeatedly stated that the ratio of ordnance fired is 6 to 8/1 in favor of Russia. He also has stated that Ukraine started with something like 2000 tanks. They now are begging for tanks. That means most of the ones they started with have been destroyed or otherwise put our of service. If they have 25% left, then aprox 1500 tanks have been destroyed. Russia has blown up or otherwise disabled 30 tanks per week. I am not a military expert by any stretch, but it does not take one to decipher that the Russians are grinding the Ukraine NAZIs into the ground.

  2. That’s how Russia fights, wars of attrition that eventually grind all your men and equipment away.

    …there’s an old story about the Sino-Japanese war of the late 19th Century that comes to mind.

    The story is that there’s a British man who took his tea every day in British occupied Hong Cong that had a Chinese manservant that always brought his tea and the paper. The paper at the time was always turned to the prominent headline stating the war casualties.

    The first day it said 1000 chinese were killed for a dozen Japanese.

    The Chinese man had a grin.

    The next day, 5,000 Chinese were dead compared to 2500 Japanese.

    The Chinese man was now smiling.

    The day after, 12,000 Chinese troops had been lost vs. 4300 Japanese.

    The Chinese man was all but laughing.

    Perplexed, his British master asked him directly, “Why does this make you happy, with so many of your countrymen dying for so few in return?”

    To which the Chinese man exclaimed happily,

    “Plitty soon, no more Japanese!”

    Ukrane fighting Russia?

    …its like that…

  3. Not a fan of Russia, but at least he is Standing Against Klaus Schwab & his people who have “Penetrated Governments & Cabinets all over the World.”

    Turdeau – of Africa
    Freeland the Nazi
    Macaroni of France
    & The English FuckFace – not interested enough to learn his name yet,
    nor the current Kraut.

  4. America has no dog in that fight – regardless of the lies and bullshit.
    Money laundering is the name of the game – OUR money!
    And it’s being laundered so that every political maggot from Seattle to the Don Basin is in on the action.

    The American taxpayers are the ones getting fucked.
    To the tune of $Billions upon $Billions – and counting …

    “They fight, they’re told, their freedom’s right to save,
    But clearlier seen, tis slave that fights with slave.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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