Ukraine Slams Biden For Urging Americans To Leave: ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’ – IOTW Report

Ukraine Slams Biden For Urging Americans To Leave: ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’

Everybody knows. The American press fools no one except their insane base.
Homicides up 94% in L.A. – STORY HERE

10 Comments on Ukraine Slams Biden For Urging Americans To Leave: ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’

  1. brandon is barking like a old fucking toothless dog with his tail between his legs at the sound of rumors that the russians are invading the Ukraine. And even if they do, so what.
    Obummer just stood by while the russians annexed the Crimea and he just barked as well.
    At least Trump had the Balls to whack that nutjob General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq while Iran had a front row seat and watched it happen.
    it just means dogs bark at noise. while real men take responsibility and make things happen.

  2. ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’

    Truer words were never writ.
    Again, it’s a fucking shame that we get more honesty and integrity out of Central Europe than we get out of DC.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Since when did Kiev become Kyiv? Kviv sounds like Ky iv, and now chicken Kiev has transmogrified into chicken Kyiv, yuck! It makes no more sense than the chinks renaming Peking as Beijing. In the new ending to A Christmas Story I suppose that they’ll be eating Beijing duck now.


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