Ukraine’s Foreign minister asks countries to criminalize the use of the “Z” symbol – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s Foreign minister asks countries to criminalize the use of the “Z” symbol

Reclaim the net: Some parts of Germany have criminalized the display of the pro-Russian “Z” symbol to show support for Ukraine in the on-going war. Ukraine has called on other countries to do the same.

The letter Z is being used by supporters of the war in and outside Russia. Russian forces have been brandishing it on military vehicles, while civilians have been displaying it on the windows of their cars.

It is not clear what the symbol means; some say it stands for “Za pobedy,” the Russian word for “victory.” Others believe it means “Zapad” (West).

In a tweet, Ukraine’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, said: “I call on all states to criminalize the use of the ‘Z’ symbol as a way to publicly support Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. ’Z’ means Russian war crimes, bombed out cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians. Public support of this barbarism must be forbidden.” more here

23 Comments on Ukraine’s Foreign minister asks countries to criminalize the use of the “Z” symbol

  1. …if you’re trying to convince the world you’re not Nazis, @Ukrane, I’d have to call criminalizing a symbol worldwide a “failure” for you in that regard, just sayin’…

  2. …and, y’know, it’s still legal in SOME parts of the world to think that MAYBE the Russians have a point, what with the CIA coup, Democrat corruption playground, gain of function reaseach that IS Ukrane, and may even WANT to support them instead of the narrative we’re being fed by the same media that gave us covid lies, American election lies, pedophile lies, “Russian dossier” lies, and sooo many OTHER lies.

    So sorry Uke Nazi, they can’t mandate anti-Russian hate for ya.

    At least not here.

    At least not yet.

  3. Also, my German surnamed family suffered for no reason when the government of the United States whipped anti-German hatred into a froth, even to the extent that they changed building and road names.

    YOU are wanting that exact same thing, nicht wahr?

    Also, I’ve had Russian coworkers and worked with Russian OEMs. They have given me no REASON to hate them (although they HAVE given me reason to doubt their mechanical skills). I refuse to hate groups just because they are arbitrarily grouped. Seems like there’s something in the Constitution about that, too.

    …sorry, I won’t be hating who you tell me to hate when you tell me to hate them. I won’t play your game.

    Although your actions may give me ACTUAL reasons to hate YOU.

  4. Nowut Ameen
    APRIL 4, 2022 AT 2:00 PM
    “For a country supposedly fighting for its life, Ukraine sure seem to spend a lot of effort on PR.”

    …with good reason.

    …the Communist Vietnamese lost every battle with us militarily, but won the war.

    They won it with media spin, sympathetic PR, and with the support of Anerican Democrats.

    …sound familiar?

    The reason they are using PR is because it works.

    As long as Democrats stand to profit by pushing it, that is…

  5. God, I can only imagine the amount of document shredding and burning that’s been going in Ukraine at the request of the Bidens, all in the name of keeping their dirt out of Russian hands (and out of the public eye).

  6. The Ukrainian leadership seem shady, very demanding and manipulative. Given it’s Nazi history, no strategy is off the table to keep the world’s attention on Ukraine. Bad actors all around -not just Russia and the Biden mob enterprise.


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