Ukraine’s President AGAIN Confirms He Wasn’t Pressured by Trump – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s President AGAIN Confirms He Wasn’t Pressured by Trump

…“I was never pressured and there were no conditions being imposed” to realize a summit with Trump or agree to arms sales in return.

Ukrainian prosecutors will deal with any requests from their U.S. counterparts to cooperate in investigations “in accordance with our laws,” if they are made based on “international law,” Zelensky said.

5 Comments on Ukraine’s President AGAIN Confirms He Wasn’t Pressured by Trump

  1. @ Left Coast Dan OCTOBER 8, 2019 AT 5:09 PM

    I live among them, you are going to have to trust me on this: They are living out there where the busses don’t run, have completely lost their Goddamned minds, are a couple straps short of a straight jacket… the bastards are frothing at the mouth, barking mad and completely consumed with getting Trump.

    Every time some now hope for peach fo-tea-fi comes up they are as giddy as a gaggle of school girls and about as rational.

    They couldn’t even tell you if they are afoot or on horseback and you are wondering if they understand….

  2. @ Left Coast Dan – They’ve been doing it for 36 months already! They can do 13 more standing on their collective heads! Not only that, but that’s exactly what they will continue to do so unless voters clip their wings in 2020!!


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