Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy Banned From Addressing Contest Audience Of Millions On Eurovision 2023 – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy Banned From Addressing Contest Audience Of Millions On Eurovision 2023

Deadline: Ukraine was unable to host the 67th Eurovision Song Contest due to the war taking place inside the country. Now President Zelenskyy has been banned by event owners from addressing the huge audience at the event. 

The Times reports that the Ukrainian president had asked to make an appearance during the Grand Final on Saturday May 13, but his request has been rejected. 

The paper reports that Zelenskyy had been expected to press for international support for his country in the face of Russia’s ongoing invasion, but that the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has always insisted that no political statements be made during the performances – something enforced by the EBU’s ‘Reference Group’ – and this extends to speeches beyond the music. 

An EBU spokesperson said: “The Eurovision Song Contest is an international entertainment show and governed by strict rules and principles which have been established since its creation. As part of these, one of the cornerstones of the contest is the non-political nature of the event. MORE

7 Comments on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy Banned From Addressing Contest Audience Of Millions On Eurovision 2023

  1. YES!

    Someone FINALLY puts “entertainment” in its place by saying “Shut Up And Sing” and MEANING it! Pretty GOOD by EU standards!

    Look for some self-important commie singer to try to pull a stunt on stage tho. They’re so full of themselves and full of shit that they HAVE to spew it out whenever they get near a microphone…

  2. Even the pop culture jackals are noting what an odious little thug he is.


    “There’s talk on the street, it sounds so familiar
    Great expectations everybody’s watching you
    People you meet, they all seem to know you
    Even your old friends treat you like you’re something new…”


    “There’s talk on the street, it’s there to remind you
    Doesn’t really matter which side you’re on
    You’re walking away, and they’re talking behind you
    They will never forget you ’til somebody new comes along…”

    But sometimes, they wish you’d just be gone.

  3. Everyone expects him to ruin the party with his tired requests for more missile systems and many more billions in aid.

    But they should’ve allowed him to play the piano with his penis again.

  4. Anonymous
    AT 9:31 AM

    “But they should’ve allowed him to play the piano with his penis again.”

    He’s moved on from that.

    Now he plays the entire Western World with his penis, dick-slapping any politician who gets out of line with all the graft they and their kids get from the CIA takeover of Ukraine.

    He owns them now, and he’s never gonna let them forget it.

    Why play the piano when you can play Pedo Joe instead, its MUCH more profitable…

  5. Don’t be surprised by the “surprise guest” performance. Maybe he’ll show up in his leotards, sports bra, and stiletto heels to make it seem “relevant” to the venue.
    Just more Smoke & Mirrors from the Bread & Circuses elite.

  6. SNS – You and I are kinda on the same tune here… Why play the piano when you can play Pedo Joe instead – in the shower! Only God knows how many times the old bastard has dropped the soap in there!


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