Ukraine’s response to Biden – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s response to Biden


We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and
small nations. Just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the
loss of loved ones. I say this as the President of a great power.

23 Comments on Ukraine’s response to Biden

  1. SNS

    And 80% of the world is now shitting on Serbia’s Tennis Star because he makes the CooF Police in Australia look like the Tyrants they are.

    Frankly I’m on Novak’s side 100%.

    With respect to Ukraine, They could have dumped every filthy dirty Biden secret on the Internet but they seem to have held back. And Biden is still hanging them out to dry.

    Can’t wait to NOT watch all the Peace, Love, & Harmony at the BULLSHIT Opening ceremonies of the Corrupt OlymPRICKS.

  2. Only question is:

    Invade Before, During, or After.

    I’m betting after even though the ground is harder now & the Ruskie Tanks can advance better before it gets too muddy.

  3. Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon
    JANUARY 20, 2022 AT 9:18 PM

    I’m not speaking to the politics, just the fact that the incursions into small nations have a way of producing more history than can be consumed locally.

    Sooner or later, everyone ends up getting a slice of the shit sandwich thus produced, willing or no…

  4. Lowell,

    I called a Friend last night to ask him where his son was.
    “Away”, He was vague.
    Is he in Canada?
    You know what I’m asking _____. Is he Going in The Ukraine?
    “I don’t Know.”

    His kid isn’t a kid. He has sent a few Fuckers to the great beyond with a silent red mist like a few other Canadians have done from a distance with a Tac-50.

    So, obviously, he is in the Krain.

    This shit is real & Biden is allowing the world’s assholes to expand their spheres of influence.

  5. “We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations. Just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. I say this as the President of a great power.”

    Wouldn’t a simple “FUCK YOU” suffice?

  6. SNS

    100% agree.

    I warned all the libtards that there would be “blood in the sand” within 3 months of a Biden pResidency but I did NOT see it in the snow 13 months latter.

    This really bugs me badly.

  7. Joe’s just jamming it up their asses because of the Hunter/Burisma investigation. I hope he totally pisses them off and they release ALL the information they have on that situation.

  8. Ukraine is a complicated issue. Many say, not without justification, that we have no self-interest in Ukraine. It must not be forgotten, however, that Ukraine held the world’s third largest inventory of nuclear weapons until they destroyed that inventory and entered the nuclear non-proliferation treaty — on the basis that signatories to that treaty would guarantee Ukraine’s safety, which was promised them in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances.

    At a point, likely sooner than later, Ukraine will be forced to become a nuclear power again, something they are more than capable of doing on short notice. They were key in the research and production of the Soviet Union’s nuclear arsenal and there is some doubt that they destroyed their entire inventory of nuclear weapons. Not a bad idea, given their neighborhood and the fact that the US declined to elevate the agreement to a ratified treaty.

    Putin is playing a dangerous game in threatening to invade Ukraine’s core territory. Biden’s puppeteers are playing a far more dangerous game in enabling Putin. Unfortunately, they need a distraction right now.

  9. SNS

    Had it not been for an Anlgo hating Scotch American the war would have been lost in 1814!

    The Anglos were not happy with “Treaty of Ghent” and would have reneged had it not been for Andy the Anglo hater!

    Andy hated Anglos ,with good reason, HIS FOLK WERE “PURITANS: CHASED OUT OF SCOtLAND, next generation OUT OR IRELAND!

    Anglos tend to have no morals.

  10. ACParker,

    That is one Hell of a good point.

    It actually is parallel to Surrender your guns for safety and the Government/Police will protect you.

    The Western world make a Promise to Ukraine. I had forgotten that myself. thanks for the reminder.

  11. Biden thinks he can make vague economic threats against Putin. Every day Joe gets more senile, and Harris is an empty vessel. Public opinion of Joe Potato will continue to drop while political resistance rises. The public wants a reconning on all the failures and the midterms are coming fast. This admin will be spinning in circles drawing criticism from every direction. Smart Democrats will go hide and wait it out. I don’t see China invading Taiwan. They are in position to manipulate us economically for decades so why throw that away on Taiwan. There is more benefit in milking America than fighting us. Biden is no war hawk so he will probably fold under pressure and ​make a concession with Putin. In the end both Russia and China will come out wealthier and the Ukraine will most likely get screwed somehow.

  12. Ukraine clearly knows plenty about 46. Yet they are evidently reluctant to divulge anything about 46 while the wolves are at the gate. Odd, that.

    I tend to also recall how silent Ukraine was several years back. Odd, that.

    Pluck ’em, Stan. Pluck the Ukraine right in the ear. The narrative wants them, they can have them.

  13. @Lowell January 20, 2022 at 9:12 pm

    > So how many American lives should we gift your country so our political class can continue to make bank off of energy trading in your homeland?
    > Give me a number.

    All of them.

    Better to grind away Americans who swore their lives to kill for the foreign occupier, The United States, over there, than over here.

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