Ukrainian Defense Officials Charged With Stealing $40 Million From Weapons Budget – IOTW Report

Ukrainian Defense Officials Charged With Stealing $40 Million From Weapons Budget

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) – Employees from a Ukrainian arms firm conspired with defense ministry officials to embezzle almost $40 million earmarked to buy 100,000 mortar shells for the war with Russia, Ukraine’s security service reported.

16 Comments on Ukrainian Defense Officials Charged With Stealing $40 Million From Weapons Budget

  1. Our corruptocrats take our money and send it to their corruptocrats and their corruptocrats send a tithe back to our corruptocrats and our corruptocrats use the tithe in re election efforts (why bother, with mail in balloting) and rinse, repeat, to the satisfaction of all… corruptocrats.

  2. What did you expect?
    Dual Citizens with foreign allegiances and ties and pacts and memeorandums of understandings are in the Top Levels of the United States Military.
    Look at Alexandre Vindeman and his twin. A Colonel that caused all kinds of CHAOS in our Government. They also control weapons funding and who exactly do THEY represent?
    Certainly not the American Citizenry.

    Think on that when you think about the current disfunction of the U.S. Federal administration of this Country.

    Dual Citizenship in Government MUST BE BANNED.

  3. And the southern border will remain open until congress approves more money for Ukraine and Israel. Sounds like a biden blackmail scheme. Are there any Patriots in DC?

  4. All those CURRENT Federal, State and Local Government currently in elcted and appointed offices and furnishings are cretainly not too happy about NO DUAL CITIZENS IN US GOV TALK.

    It shows by the total blackout this issue is getting treated to by the media corpse

  5. Rest assured that members of our own government are receiving their “fair share” of “aid” sent to other countries. And, it’s been going on for decades. Why else would politicians supposedly representing American citizens vote for or approve of the massive amount of money being squandered around the world and given to countries that wish “death to America”? Where’s the logic? What other possible reason is there? Productive Americans are being robbed through taxation and have absolutely no input into how much and where their money is sent / spent.


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