Ukrainian Defenses in Donetsk Rapidly Approach Breaking Point – IOTW Report

Ukrainian Defenses in Donetsk Rapidly Approach Breaking Point

With Disrupted Logistics, Lack of Equipment and Manpower.

8 Comments on Ukrainian Defenses in Donetsk Rapidly Approach Breaking Point

  1. Listen to Col. Douglas MacGregor on You-Tube re the Uke invasion of Kursk. Don’t rely on the western news outlets – they lie about everything.

    Making deep incursions into your enemy’s territory has big risks, namely your enemy launching flank attacks on both your flanks, meeting in the middle, and cutting your incursion off by cutting it in half. That’s how Russian forces dealt with the German 6th Army at Stalingrad.

  2. US and NATO foment war, install coke head pervert comedian as leader of most corrupt country on earth, get Russia to jump then squall victim as Ukrainians are slaughtered by Russia countering US and NATO aggression. Got it. Tragic. For them.


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