Ukrainian EU membership threatens Polish Farmers – IOTW Report

Ukrainian EU membership threatens Polish Farmers


Ukraine’s admission to the EU could be perilous for the bloc’s agricultural sector, Warsaw’s deputy agriculture minister, Michal Kolodziejczak, told Polish broadcaster RMF FM on Saturday. His comments came in response to this week’s decision by the European Council to open accession talks with Kiev.

According to Kolodziejczak, Ukrainian farmers would create too much competition to the bloc’s established agricultural producers.

The Ukrainian agriculture sector could destabilize food security in any EU country. If we want this, we should immediately open our doors [to Ukraine] and say, ‘We are shutting down our agricultural enterprises because their work will no longer make sense,’” he said. The deputy agriculture minister explained that Ukraine’s farming sector is simply too large and would flood the bloc with its products, leaving Polish and other European farmers out of work. read more

5 Comments on Ukrainian EU membership threatens Polish Farmers

  1. Biden, destablilizing another trusted ally.

    And it only cost us Polands Trust and Few $Hundred Billion dollars to Ukraine and millions to the Biden Crime Family.

    Hunter packing his bags to fly to Poland to sell the Biden Brand.

  2. Currently, Ukraine is the Nazi bread basket of the East. Which is worse, the ‘Nazi’ part or the ‘bread basket’ (grain) part?

    NATO and our MIC wants them in, EU Farmers don’t want their competition and maybe wants them out, and meanwhile, we go broke postponing the inevitable reveal of the blackmail of the Biden Crime Family.

    Solution: Let Putin get rid of the ‘Nazi’ part and Ukrainians will what to do. We know they’ll choose Russia. This makes Russia more competitive worldwide – which is good. End of problem.

    Wait. Except the Biden Crime Family.

  3. Well then. The EU will just have to get rid of some Polish farmers, like they did in Holland. Gotta nreak some eggs to make that omelet.

    And Poland…Remember way back when you were NATO’s new girlfriend? Now you’re just NATO’s old bitch and his new girlfriend Ukraine gets all the attention. Don’t cry. Just keep sending your soldiers to Ukraine to die.


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