Ukrainian man posing as high school student gets federal time – IOTW Report

Ukrainian man posing as high school student gets federal time

FOX43: HARRISBURG, Pa. –  Arthur Samarin, a Ukrainian native who posed as a student at Harrisburg High School, will spend time in a federal prison. A federal judge handed Samarin a two month prison sentence today that will run concurrent to any sentenced handed down in Dauphin County Court next week.


Samarin used the the alias Asher Potts, while attending Harrisburg High School from September 2012 through December 2015. The 23 year old Samarin also allegedly had sex with a 15 year old girl while he was pretending to be a student.  more here

9 Comments on Ukrainian man posing as high school student gets federal time

  1. WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA! We got em’ all here… from a governor that makes Obama look like Phyllis Schlafly to a Ukranian pervert who had no business here in the first place to stolen minivans converted into mobile meth labs… the list goes on and on… all while I sit here bitterly cling to my guns and God muttering to myself, “Oh, sweet meteor of death, where are you?”.

  2. “In addition he faces a real chance of being deported upon completion of his prison sentences.”

    Wouldn’t rape, identity theft, falsifying records and so on mean automatic deportation?

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